Grand Master of Modern Liu Ren Lineage - Li Chun Feng (李淳风仙师)

Li Chun Feng (李淳风) was a real historical figure recorded in Ancient Chinese History.

Disciples of Modern Liu Ren Lineage (新六壬派) of today worshipped him as the 'Grand Master of Liu Ren'(六壬仙师), especially in Hong Kong.

As for the Ancient Liu Ren Lineage (古六壬派), it was being pass-down by Li Chun Feng's Father - Old Master Li Bo (李播), aka Taoist Priest Huang Guan Zi (黄冠子), to him ( Li Chun Feng (李淳风) ) & Disciple Yuan Tian Gang (袁天罡).

Li Chun Feng's hometown was Shan Xi Province, Feng Xiang County (中国陕西省凤翔县). He was a Minister of the founding Tang Dynasty Court. He was born around 604 AD and rose to heaven in 672 AD.

Li Chun Feng is well known till today for his contributions to Astronomy, Mathematics and Meteorology.

Li Chung Feng's father was Li Bo (李播), who was a local magistrate, who later gave up his post to be a Taoist Priest (Priest Huang Guan Zi 黄冠子). Li Chun Feng received his early Taoist education at a young age.

During 633AD, Li Chun-feng (李淳風) had invented a Celestial Globe with three spherical layers to calibrate multiple aspects of astronomical observations.

Li Chun Feng had designed the best augural tool known as Qia-Gua (掐卦). QIAGUA in Chinese means using the fingers to divine the future. In practice, people normally use the left hand. The thumb is used to count the lunar month, day, and time of the day, started from the base segment of the index finger, one after the other clockwise. It worked more than a thousand years among countless Chinese people. From emperors and generals directing battles to ordinary people living their daily life, QIAGUA has provided directions, confidences, and inspirations. In ancient China, the army general would use “QIAGUA” to predict the battle outcome by using his left hand. Once counting stopped, he already knew the battle result.

He had modified and corrected the Lunar Calendar, invented Astronomical equipment and compiled a text on Divination called the Yi Shi Zhan(乙巳占). It is an important text in Chinese Divination and it also includes other important studies on Astronomy and Meteorology.

He was the first person in history who put a scale to indicate wind force from 1 to 8, a thousand years before Francis Beaufort (27 May 1774 – 17 December 1857) who put a scale to indicate wind force up to 12.

Another famous piece of work that he complied with another leading Taoist Priest of that time Yuan Tian Gang(袁天罡) was name Tui bei tu (推背图). It is a Chinese book on prophecies made out of 60 pictures accompanied with a poem deciphering. It's accuracy has been proven many times throughout Chinese History. It has also been widely compared to the works of famous western prophet, Nostradamus (14 or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566).

According to historical records, He played an instrumental role in helping remove the tyrant Yang Guang (杨广) of the Sui Dynasty from power and aided the Li family found the Tang Dynasty. He held the post of Chief Astronomer of the Royal Court (In those days its equal the personal adviser of the Emperor as many decisions made in court were based on the movement of the cosmos) He also held many other posts in the Royal court of Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shi Min(李世民). During his days as a courtier, Li Shi Min consulted him intensely on the matters of the court and nation.

After bidding farewell to his governmental duties, he went into self seclusion and created his own Taoist Sect the Liu Ren Sect. After his passing, his disciples conferred upon him the title of 'Grand Master of Liu Ren' and continued to pass on his teachings till this day in the form of Mediation, Talisman Drawing, Rituals, and Chants with the goal of aiding people in need.

Grandmaster Lee Chun Feng(李淳风) Memorial Days:
Lunar 18th day of the Third Month (birthday)
22nd of the Sixth Month(Memorial)

Important Notes:

Modern Liu Ren Lineage - 新六壬派

In Ming Dynasty, the Chaotic Period of Mixing Religions and Fighting for gaining the Fame of Religious Leaders, the Folks Groups tend to import Deities & Immortals into their Religions in-order to gain more Followers' Support. Master Jin Ying (金英祖师) was one of them.

After Importing Master Jin Ying into the Group, the Folks Groups claimed that they are the Branch-out of Quan Zhen Sect (叁教全真道) - a Sect that Promotes the Combination of Three Religions' Teaching. From then, most of the Folks Groups used the Reputation of Three Religions to do Promotion of their Culture.

In Late Ming Dynasty (明朝末年), after the Three Religions' Groups started to get more Popular, some Spiritual Teachers started to import the Ancient Liu Ren Sect (古六壬派) into the New Created Liu Ren Sect (新六壬派 which most of the Liu Ren Sect Groups that we can found in Today are from that Period).

And in-order to gain the Supports from the Followers of Master Jin Ying, Master Jin Ying ( was being imported and was made as the Main Spiritual Deity of the Modern Liu Ren Sect.

Take Note:
Ancient Liu Ren Sect does not involved in Mediumship, Summoning of Spirits, Catching of Ghosts, Playing of Sharp-objects, Issuing of Wealth-Talismans or Combining of another forms of Teaching from any other Religions.

Ancient Liu Ren Sect was being pass-down by Old Master Li Bo (李播) aka Taoist Priest Huang Guan Zi (黄冠子) to his son Li Chun Feng (李淳风) & Disciple Yuan Tian Gang (袁天罡).

Only those who still followed the Teaching of Li Chun Feng & Yuan Tian Gang are known as the Official Taoist Liu Ren Students, other then that, the Modern Liu Ren Students' Spiritual Master will be Master Jin Ying (金英祖师) or Master Li Chun Feng (李淳风).

Now, most of the Hong Kong Liu Ren disciples only know abt Li Chun Feng (李淳风) and totally forget about Li Bo (李播) and Yuan Tian Gang  (袁天罡) .  Liu Ren Skills need Yuan Tian Gang's Sets of Liu Ren Knowledge and  combined with Li Chun Feng's Sets of Liu Ren Knowledge, which then can be considered Full Set of Liu Ren Skills.