Taoist Black Magic Talismans To Bond Married Couples

There are many cases of husband or wife ceases to be faithful. No matter how much human meddling on the love issues, trying very hard to win over the heart of the opposite party once again, it stills fail. This is the time to seek Taoist Black Magic. This "Bond The Married Couple" Spell  can be considered as "White Magic" because it can only patch up Married Couples and harm no one. People who need  the help of these talismans get panicky because they realize they are seeking help from spiritual beings of the Underworld, instead of Heaven.

"Bond The Married Couple" Talismans shown above belongs to Yin Shan Sect (阴山派).

"Bond The Married Couple" Talismans will works only on Married Couples.

These Taoist Talismans  of the Yin Shan Sect (阴山派) for Bonding Married Couples come in a set of 5 pieces of talismans.

Each Talismans is to be burnt in the specific order per night for 5 nights.

Method 1: Each Talismans is to be burnt inside the couple's bedroom. ( Use a Sauce Tray or Ash-tray to put the talisman while burning).

Method 2: Each Talismans is to be burnt and  then put the ash inside a glass of water and consumed by both parties. The other party ( husband or wife) should not know about the spell You are casting.

There is a secret spell given to You to chant, while burning the Talismans. 


Day 1 Talisman: Stop husband / wife from listening to the gossips and getting influenced by outsiders.  This is often the main reason why  most couples break apart.... It is always due to  someone or group of people in the office / friends/ family members of  husband/wife , who  has / have been keep badmouthing about You behind Your back and soon  Your husband or wife starts to get hypnotized by the negative influence, which change the thinking pattern and the feeling of the heart.

Day 2 , Day 3 and Day 4 Talismans:  To make Your husband or wife to keep thinking and missing You at night. Desperately wanting to come back to You.

Day 5 Talisman:  Husband's or Wife's Name is to be filled on the XXX shown on the Talisman.  This Talisman is to make him / her willingly give all his / her heart, mind and soul to be with You forever and together both of You produce new generations.