The God / Founder Of Bagua

The Symbol of BA-GUA (八卦) represents TAOISM. Many people have seen the Yin-Yang and Ba-Gua Symbols but yet still have no idea who had created it and when it was created.

 Primordial Bagua (先天八卦)

(八卦祖师 / 伏羲大帝)

In Taoist Religion, Fu Xi (伏羲) is revered as The Creater / Master / Patriarch / God / Deity Of Ba-Gua (八卦祖师 / 伏羲大帝 - Ba-Gua Zu Shi / Fu Xi Da Di).

In Chinese mythology, Fu Xi (伏羲), also known as Paoxi (庖牺), reigned during the mid-29th century BCE. He was the first of the Three Sovereigns (三皇 Sānhuáng) of ancient China.

Biography of Fu-Xi (伏羲)
Fu Xi was born on the lower-middle reaches of the Yellow River in a place called Chengji (possibly modern Lantian, Shaanxi or Tianshui, Gansu).

The Chinese traditionally believed that Fuxi could assume dragon form. Fuxi supposedly had the body of a serpent, and the first dragon was said to have appeared to him in 2962 B.C.E.

According to legend the land was swept by a great flood and only Fuxi and his sister Nüwa survived. They retired to Kunlun Mountain where they prayed for a sign from the Emperor of Heaven. The divine being approved their union and the siblings set about procreating the human race.[3] Fu Xi then came to rule over his decedents although reports of his long reign vary between sources from 115 years (B.C.E. 2852-2737) to 116 years (B.C.E. 2952-2836).

Tomb of Fuxi (伏羲

Fuxi lived for 197 years and died at a place called ChenWan Qiu (陈宛丘) - (淮阳,河南 - modern Huaiyang, Henan) where his mausoleum can still be found.

The tomb of Fuxi has been worshipped for thousands of years in Huaiyang county, in central China's Henan province. The tomb existed there as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, approximately 3,000 years ago. Buildings and plants have been arranged in a giant compound to reflect the Eight Trigrams. Visitors to Fuxi's tomb never miss the hole. It is an ancient tradition for women worshipers to rub their fingers in a hole in the cornerstone of the Xianren Hall, in hopes of being blessed with a happy marriage and healthy children. According to ancient legends, the tomb is on the site where Fuxi gathered young men and women to decide on their marriage.

Mystery of Fuxi Temple

Video 1

Video 2

Fu-Xi (伏羲) and The Ba-Gua(八卦)
Fu Xi (伏羲) discovered the HeTu (河图)- "Yellow River Chart" on the back of a mythical dragon-horse that emerged from the Luo River (洛河). The HeTu(河图) that Fu-Xi discovered inspired him to create the Ba-Gua, known as Primordial Bagua (先天八卦 - Xian Tian Ba Gua). This arrangement of Primordial Bagua (先天八卦 - Xian Tian Ba Gua) preceded the compilation of the I Ching by King Wen of Zhou (周文王) (1152 – 1056 BC) during the Zhou dynasty.

The creation of Eight Trigrams - Ba-Gua (八卦) has enabled Chinese people to understand changes in their world and in the heavens, and the importance of obeying the will of Heaven. In this regard, Chinese people came to worship Heaven and nature with infinite respect, and to understand that their culture was a gift from the gods and a manifestation of certain features of divine culture.

With the assistance of FuXi and other sages, the quality of life of the ancient Chinese improved. They became better able to cope with nature and established norms for human behavior. In this way, the inexperienced and guileless Chinese gradually made a way of life for themselves, and their society entered the early stages of civilization.

64 Hexagrams, known as I-ching, was expanded by 8x8 of the Trigrams of Ba-Gua. Bua-Ga (八卦) and  I-Ching (易经) had influenced  the Metaphysics, Science and Culture of the Chinese.

As the creator of Eight Trigrams (八卦), which form the basis for the philosophy in the Book of Changes (I Ching), Fuxi (伏羲) has been revered by Chinese scholars as the originator of the I Ching (易经).

In Chinese folks belief, he is the Deity who is in-charge of Spiritual Skills.

Other Contributions Of Fu Xi (伏羲) To Chinese People

- Introduced Cooking Food Over Fire
- Hunt with weapons made of iron
- Make nets to catch fish
- Domesticate animals (养六畜,以充庖厨) & Poultry
- Created "Nine Needles" (九针) and developed Acupuncture
- Instituted marriage in Chinese society
- Created “Shu Qi,” (书契) - A system of carving characters on wood to replace the previous record keeping through knot tying.
- Sericiculture (cultivation of silk worms) and the weaving of threads from silkworm cocoons into textiles
- Built Six Decades Calender (Calender Of Sixty Years Cycle) - Jia-Zi Calender ( 甲子历法 )
- Fixed 24 Solar Terms (二十四节气)
- Created a harp musical instrument - Qin-Se (琴瑟)
- NuWa invented the Gui(规) - Measuring Compass and Fu-Xi invented Jǔ(矩尺) - (曲尺 Qu Chi / Carpenter's Square). When 2 words put together - Guī Jǔ(规矩) - To be well-behaved, well disciplined; Follow Rules, Customs, Regulation.

In this way, the productivity and live of the people greatly improved.


BA-GUA (八卦) served as the basis for Ancient Chinese Mathematics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Divination , Chinese Geomancy , Chinese Martial Arts and as clues to the secrets of creation such as the evolution of nature and its cyclic changes...

Whether You are a Chinese or a Western Folk who happened to see the Ba-Gua, or studying / learning / practising Taoist Religion, Taoist Martial Arts - Ba-Gua Zhang / Tai-Chi , Feng Shui , TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) , I-Ching / Zhou Yi...  always remember FU-XI (伏羲) - TH BA-GUA  ZU SHI / FU XI DA DI (八卦祖师 / 伏羲大帝) - The ORIGINATOR / CREATOR OF BA-GUA (八卦).

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