The Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字

Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字 are formed by combining several parts of Chinese characters  to form a unique single character (Secret Symbol / Code) , which represents a secret code-name of a specific Deity,  or contain a special meaning within Taoist Context.

There are several categories of Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字, such as: Secret Code Words of Upper Realm Deities, Middle Realm Deities and Lower Realm Deities, Secret Code Words of 60 Jia-Zi Tai-Sui,  and  Secret Code Words used in Taoist Rituals / Sorcery etc.

Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字 are not used in daily Chinese communication. Ordinary Chinese Lay-People will find  the unique Characters meaningless. Only Taoist Priests / Masters / Sorcerers, who are imparted with the secret knowledge will understand the meaning of  each individual, specific, unique Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes).

Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字 are used by Taoist Priests, Taoist Masters, Taoist Sorcerers and often appear on Taoist Spiritual Items, such as Taoist Talismans, Taoist Black Command Flags, Taoist Magic Mirrors etc.

Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) contain spiritual magical power when created and empowered properly with chants and spells by a Taoist Priest / Master / Sorcerer.

3 Sets Of examples of Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) and their meaning ...

Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) Of San Qing (Three Pure Ones) - 三清讳字

Yù Qīng (玉清) -  "Jade Pure One" is Yuan Shi Tian Zun (元始天尊) - "Lord of Primordial Beginning" or "Honoured Lord of the Origin" .

Shàng Qīng (上清) - "Supreme Pure One" is Ling Bao Tian Zun (靈寶天尊) - "The Universally Honoured One of Divinities and Treasures" or "Lord of the Numinous Treasure".

Tài Qīng (太清) - "Grand Pure One" is Tai Shang Lao Jun (太上老君) -  the "Highest Elder Lord" , or  Dao De Tian Zun (道德天尊) - "Lord of the Way and its Virtue" or "Honoured Lord of the Tao and the Virtue".

Taoist Secret Magical Character (Symbol / Code) Of The North Pole Emperor of Purple Subtlety - 紫薇讳字

The Secret Magical Character of Zi-Wei (紫薇讳字) - “雨漸耳”  represents the code-word of the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of the North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety (中天北極紫微大帝). He is the master of all the stars and in charge of all stars.

The Secret Magical Character of Zi-Wei (紫薇讳字) - “雨漸耳”  can be found in some Taoist Talismans that are used in getting rid of evil spirits.

The 28 strokes of  “雨漸耳” correspond with the 28 Mansions (二十八宿) of the Chinese constellations system.


Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) Of The 7 Northern Constellation Stars - 北斗七星讳字

The 7 Northern Constellation Stars (北斗七星):
  • 1st Star - Tan Lang Tai Xing Jun (贪狼太星君) - Dubhe - α UMa
  • 2nd Star - Ju Men Yuan Xing Jun (巨门元星君) - Merak - β UMa
  • 3rd Star - Lu Cun Zhen Xing Jun (禄存贞星君) - Phecda - γ UMa
  • 4th Star - Wen Qu Niu Xing Jun (文曲纽星君) - Megrez - δ UMa
  • 5th Star - Lian Zhen Gang Xing Jun (玉廉贞纲星君) - Alioth - ε UMa
  • 6th Star - Wu Qu Ji Xing Jun (武曲紀星君) - Mizar - ζ UMa
  • 7th Star  - Po Jun Guan Xing Jun (破军关星君) - Alkaid - η UMa 
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Few Thousands Of Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字...

The few Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字 shown here are just some popular examples of Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字.

There are about 3 thousands plus Taoist Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) - 道教讳字 representing each specific individual deities, or contain a special meaning within Taoist Context. Taoist  Priests / Masters / Sorcerers will only understand certain Secret Magical Characters (Symbols / Codes) that they have imparted with the knowledge.