Kumantong Power Boosting Ritual (With Taoist Talismans)
Buy 4D / Toto at Your Auspicious Hour during Li-Chun (立春)
Few years ago, one particular Feng-Shui "Master" created the belief of depositing money into bank on Li Chun (立春) for good wealth.
The practice started in Singapore (and the trend caught up in Malaysia) when a chart was made depicting the auspicious hours to deposit money based on your Chinese Zodiac sign.
This resulted in long queues at money deposit machines.
Since it is the auspicious hour of Your timing, You should BUY 4D / TOTO at this time, and then deposit Your Winnings at the later time.
What You can do: Do prayer / ritual to seek 4D Numbers from the Deities (that can give 4D Numbers) - Example: Gods Of Wealth Talisman, or Ghosts (Example:Kumantongs) and then buy 4D / Toto at Your auspicious hour. After collect Your Winnings, then pump back Your money into Your Bank Account.