The Deadly Feng Shui Taboos Of Feng Shui Masters

This article is referring to the Genuine, Authentic, Chinese Classical  Feng Shui, not the "Western" /  New-Age / Back Hat Fake Feng Shui.

The Feng Shui Taboos of Feng Shui Masters are not told and not taught to the westerners and not found in "Western" Feng Shui / Black Hat / New-Age Fake Feng Shui, but it is very important part of  Chinese Classical  Feng Shui, therefore it is my duty to share , or at least make-known to the Westerners and English-Educated Chinese Folks who are searching for information and knowledge on Chinese Classical  Feng Shui.

This article will cover the basic understanding  of Mastering Killing Days, Master Killing Time and Master Killing Places of Classically-Trained Feng Shui Masters.

There are rules for Opening (Using / Commencing) the Luo Pan (Feng Shui Compass) . There are Open Luo Pan Incantation for Yang Zhai Feng Shui and also Open Luo Pan Incantation for Yin Zhai Feng Shui.

Open Luo Pan Incantation for using on Yang Zhai Feng Shui Reading (阳宅开盘咒):


Meaning -  The sky spins and the earth spins, and the nine stars spin, and the yin and yang are aligned and reversed, showing the divine dignity. Each of the five elements is in position, seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck.

Open Luo Pan Incantation for Yin Zhai Feng Shui Reading (阴宅开盘咒):


Meaning - The sky has three wonders, the earth has six instruments , The spirit is strange, the old hero lies dead, Yellow sand, red soil, rubble tomb foundations, Within a radius of one hundred steps, you can see it by following the needle.

"Luo Hou Day"(罗睺日)  & Master Killing Time (杀师时) 

*Luo Hou (罗睺) is the Chinese transliteration of the name “Rahu” borrowed from Vedic Astrology.

In the Chinese Classic Feng Shui, there are  certain days called "Luo Hou Day"(罗睺日) , which specifically prohibits Feng Shui Masters from using the Luo-Pan (Feng Shui Compass) to conduct Feng Shui measurements, otherwise it will be unfavorable  for the Feng Shui master, in serious cases, disasters will occur on the Feng Shui Master. This is  especially the case while doing  Yin Zhai Feng Shui (Graveyard / Cemetery Feng Shui) Audit.

Feng Shui masters who use Luo-Pan (Feng Shui Compass)  on Luo Hou Days are prone to committing Luo Hou Evils, especially when the Luo Pan is placed on the ground. 

The "Luo Hou Days" are determined by the year, season, and month and  is called the "Luo Hou Day"(罗睺日) ,that is, the "Master Killing Day" (杀师日). The "Luo Hou Time" determined by the day is called the "Master Killing Time" (杀师时). 

Take Note: All dates are based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

Luo Hou Day Determined By Year (年罗侯日):




The year of Zi — Guiyou Day,   the year of Chou — Jiaxu Day,   the year of Yin — Dinghai Day, the year of Mao — Jiazi Day

The year of Chen — Yichou Day,   the year of Si — Jiayin Day,   the year of Wu — Dingmao Day,   the year of Wei — Jiachen Day

The Year of the Shen - Yisi Day,   the Year of  You - Jiawu Day,   the Year of  Xu - Dingwei Day,    the Year of the Hai - Jiashen Day

Luo Hou Day Determined By Four Seasons (季罗侯日):


Spring - Yimao Day, Summer - Bingwu Day, Autumn - Gengshen Day, Winter - Xinyou Day

Luo Hou Day Determined By Month (月罗睺日): 

寅月—亥日    卯月—子日    辰月—丑日 
巳月—寅日    午月—卯日    未月—辰日 
申月—巳日    酉月—午日    戌月—未日 
亥月—申日    子月—酉日    丑月—戌日 

Yin month - Hai day              Mao month -  Zi day                 Chen month - Chou day 
Si month -  Yin day              Wu month -  Mao day               Wei month -  Chen day 
Shen month - Si day              You month - Wu day                  Xu month - Wei day 
Hai month - Shen day            Zi month - You day                    Chou month - Xu day 

Master Killing Time Determined By Day(杀师时):

子日—丑、午时     丑日—巳、亥时    寅日—寅、午时 
卯日—辰、戌时     辰日—巳、丑时    巳日—辰、戌时 
午日—卯、申时     未日—午、辰时    申日—戌、丑时 
酉日—子、午时     戌日—卯、午时    亥日—辰、卯时 

Zi day - Chou, Wu Hour           Chou day - Si, Hai Hour            Yin day- Yin, Wu Hour 
Mao day - Chen, Xu hour         Chen day - Si, Chou hour          Si day -    Chen, Xu hour 
Wu day - Mao, Shen hour         Wei day - Wu, Chen hours        Shen day- Xu, Chou hour 
You day - Zi, Wu hour              Xu day - Mao, Wu hour             Hai day - Chen, Mao hour 

It is best not to "open" (use) the Luo Pan to do consultation at this time.  Feng Shui Masters shall stay far away from the construction sites, otherwise,  it will put the Feng Shui Masters in unfavourable positions, such as  suffering from mishaps.

Master Killing  Day On Monthly Basis(逐月杀风水师日)

寅月-申日    卯月-酉日    辰月-戌日    巳月-亥日
午月-子日    未月-丑日    申月-寅日    酉月-卯日
戌月-辰日    亥月-巳日    子月-午日    丑月-未日

Yin Month- Shen Day      Mao Month - You Day     Chen Month-Xu Day    Si Month - Hai Day
Wu Month - Zi Day         Wei Month - Chou Day     Shen Month-Yin Day    Chou Month-Wei day
Xu Month- Chen Day       Hai Month- Si Day           Zi Month-Wu Day        Chou Month- Wei Day

Master Killing Time On Monthly Basis(逐月杀风水师时)

寅月-卯时    卯月-申时    辰月-辰时    巳月-辰时
午月-子时    未月-寅时    申月-酉时    酉月-巳时
戌月-巳时    亥月-未时    子月-未时    丑月-未时

Yin Month-Mao Hour    Mao Monrh-Shen Hour      Chen Month-Chen Hour    Si Month-Chen Hour
Wu Month-Zi Hour        Wei Month-Shen Hour        Shen Month-Xu Hour      You Month-Si Hour
Xu Month- Si Hour        Hai Month-Wei Hour          Zi Month-Wei Hour        Chou Month-Wei Hour

Forbidden days for Yin and Yang houses (阴阳宅禁日) 


13th Day of 1st Month, 9th Day of 3rd Month, 6th Day of Ninth Month , 2nd Day of 12th Month

Take Note: The above shown are just some important  lists of unfavourable days and time for Feng Shui Masters (who are trained in Authentic, Genuine /  Classical Chinese Feng Shui). 

There are still huge lists of unfavourable days and time for Feng Shui Masters to Open Luo Pan to do Feng Shui Audit.  

If I have the time, then I (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master) shall continue to add on the list, if not, You may consult Your own Genuine Classical Feng Shui Teacher / Coach / Master.  

The Master Killing Places / Grounds (杀师地) :

Other than 'Master Killing Days' & 'Master Killing Time' , there are also the 'Master Killing Places / Grounds ' (杀师地) !  After avoiding 'Master Killing Days' & 'Master Killing Time', Classical Feng Shui Masters need to take note of  'Master Killing Places / Grounds'! 

'Master Killing Place' means the Feng Shui Master able to pin-point the exact 'Dragon Spot'  (for living or burial) and then the Feng Shui Master died from it.

There are several types of places / grounds that can ‘Kill The Feng Shui Master': 
  • Sword-Ridge Dragon Cave (剑脊龙穴
  • Bei Chen Guarding The Water Mouth (北辰守水口
  • Dragon With Sword and Knife Cave (龙带刀剑穴地)
  • Centipede-Shaped Cave Ground (蜈蚣形穴地
  • Snake-shaped cave ground (蛇形穴地
  • Dragon-shaped Cave Ground (龙形穴地
  • Tiger-shaped Cave Ground (虎形穴地)
  • Lion-shaped Cave (狮形穴地)
  • etc. 
If the shape of the cave is very realistic and resembles a certain animal, it is a cave that will kill the Feng Shui Master (The key is to bury the Feng Shui Master in it in the real cave for it to be fulfilled).

This is a huge topic to be covered by itself. It is best to learn from Your own Classical Feng Shui Master / Coach / Teacher. 

Fast Death or Slow Death in 'Master Killing'

There are 2 types of 'Master Killing': 'Open killing' and 'Hidden Killing'. Open killing means dying directly by accident and avoiding pain. Hidden killing means dying by disease and being tortured to death by illness.

Important Note: There  are many essential topics taught in Genuine / Proper Classical Chinese Feng Shui, which are not taught to the Western World of Feng Shui Enthusiasts.  You can't learn everything from an article alone. If You are interest to find out more, it is best to search from the Chinese Language Feng Shui Websites, or read up Classical Chinese  Feng Shui Books,  or seek knowledge directly and be a disciple of a Classical Chinese Feng Shui Master / Coach / Teacher. Yes. mastering the Chinese Language is important in order to learn Chinese Metaphysics.

Never know before but Now You Know...

Feng Shui Students / Disciples who are attending, or already trained, in Classical Chinese Feng Shui, shall be, or already been told / taught / informed,  about the Feng Shui Taboo Days, Timing and Grounds for being a Classical Feng Shui Master / Practitioner.

If You are just a lay-person, or  just seeking general information  on Feng Shui, at the very least, now You know there are Taboo Days and Timing and the type of Taboo Grounds for Classical Feng Shui Masters, which are not covered in "Western" /  New-Age / Black Hat Fake Feng Shui, not even discussed in Western Feng Shui Magazines and Websites.

Classically-Trained Feng Shui Masters might postpone the appointment during  the unfavourable days and timing of  themselves.

Classically-Trained Feng Shui masters might postpone the appointment, either because they are really busy or because of the Luo Hou Days and Killing Master Time. Sometimes we also hear that a certain Feng Shui master had problems after doing a Feng Shui calculation. 

People who don’t know the truth may discuss that they are Feng Shui masters but still have bad luck. In fact, it may be because they have offended Luo Hou.

Real Life Examples Of Master Killing Days , Time and Places

1 Example: According to Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily, Zheng Guoqiang, a famous Hong Kong Feng Shui master who was very popular among Hong Kong artists, went to a cemetery in Zhaoqing, Guangdong on 30th March 2014 at about 3 pm, in the rain with a Hong Konger named Nanmo to check Feng Shui for a customer. Unexpectedly, they encountered a landslide. The two and five inland people who were traveling with them were buried alive by the mudslide. 200 rescue workers rescued seven people, but six were killed and one was injured. The Feng Shui master - Zheng Guoqiang and the Hong Konger named Nanmo were both killed. The families of the two have rushed to the local area to deal with the aftermath. 

The incident of Zheng Guoqiang's death was in the Month of Mao (卯月) and the Hour of Shen (申时), which violated the 'Master Killing Time'. 

*Article is not yet complete*

Related Articles: 

Lu Ban Black Magic (鲁班邪术) - The Hidden Taoist Sorcery Skills Of Chinese Carpenters / Craftmen and even Chinese Feng Shui Masters

     Lu Ban (鲁班) (507 BC - 444 BC) was historically well-known as a famous craftsman of the late Spring and Autumn Period, and was revered as the God / Ancestor / Grand Master / Founder / Patriarch of Chinese carpentry and masonry by later generations. 

       This article is not about the history of  Lu Ban (鲁班) but about the hidden secrets of Chinese / Taoist Sorcery / Black Magic skills that the Chinese Carpenters / Craftmens that they might know and use it on You.

    This article is written to share and make known to the Westerners,  especially those Western folks who are practicing Feng-Shui, what the Chinese Carpenters / Craftmen (and some Chinese Feng Shui Masters) know and You don't know.

    Westerners who are practicing Feng Shui, never know that when a house with Good Feng Shui is being  "Hexed" by Black Magic, the house is already doomed.  Yes.... A house or premises with good Feng Shui can be destroyed by Black Magic - Lu Ban Black  Magic (鲁班术)  that brings bad luck upon more bad luck, unless a well-trained Sorcery Master or the Sorcerer who put the Hex , return to clear away the Hex. This is the part whereby the Westerners , even the Western Feng Shui Practitioners from the Western World never heard nor know about. 

    While Western side of the world is already practicing 'half-baked'  level of Feng Shui , let alone knowing about the Black Magic side of 'Hexing' a Home, or even "such things" (Feng Shui Black Magic) exist.

     In fact, this piece of information is not much written (or ever written) in English to the Western World because the Chinese Folks , don't even bother to share such information to the Western World. (However, soon some folks will just simply 'copy and paste' what is shared here  (written by me - Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master) and then re-appear on other websites).

    During ancient time since Ming Dynasty , Chinese craftsman / carpenters etc had compiled several books of Chinese Carpentry Texts, which also include the Black Magic Spells to protect self-interests (or to disturb or harm other people) and attribute it to the name of "Lu Ban" (鲁班) - which  end up giving "Lu Ban" (鲁班) a bad name.

    Often times, when transfering knowledge and skills of Chinese Carpentry, the Chinese Master Carpenters / Craftmen will also secretly impart the Sorcery Skills to the disciples ,  just in case anyone who seek their service and then witheld or cut their wages / fees, not paying their dues, abusing them during work, short changing / try to cheat / bargain upon completion of their work, etc… ,   and they could 'punish' (play tricks)or disturb the home owners or business owners, by making their homes or business premises restless with Black Magic Spells. 

    Some Chinese Folks will just go straight to learn only the Black Magic portion of the books - "Missing One Door" (缺一门) and forgo the Knowledge and Skills of Chinese Carpentry. 

    However, many of the Chinese Folks don't even dare to practice what were taught in the "Back Magic " portion of  the Books , due to the rumours about the curse given to  them if they start to practice them.

The 'Hidden Taoist Sorcery Skills (Chinese Black Magic) Of Chinese Carpenters / Craftmen' come from these 2 different titles of books: 

The Lu Ban Jing (鲁班经)  and Lu Ban Shu (鲁班书)

* Westerners can don't bother to find the English Version of these Books because none of them are translated into English.  Even if  the Chinese Sorcery Books were translated into English, the Magic Spells and Talismans drawings and rituals must be done in Chinese Language. 

Take Note: Lu Ban Jing (鲁班经)  and Lu Ban Shu (鲁班书) are two different books. Most later generations confuse the above two books.

"Lu Ban Jing" (鲁班经)  - "The Treatise of Lu Ban", or  "Lu Ban's classic" or "Lu Ban Sutra" is also known as "Lu Ban Jing Jia Ji Jing"(鲁班经匠家境) , and has Chongzhen (崇祯) version and various reprinted versions in the Qing Dynasty. The Chongzhen (崇祯) version has 3 volumes only, which were compiled by Wu Rong and corrected by Zhou Yan. However, there are  4th  version that have been handed down to this day. It is fully combiled as a complete book of 4 Volumes, during the Ming Dynasty.

"Lu Ban Jing" (鲁班经) is currently preserved in the Palace Museum and can be seen by the world. It has four volumes in total, including three in Chinese and one with pictures.

Volume 1 and Volume 2 of "Lu Ban Jing" (鲁班经) respectively record everything from logging and material preparation, groundbreaking, erection and leveling, and painting samples. They also introduce pure civil construction techniques and industry standards such as the application of Luban rulers. 

Volume 3 is "Luban Jing's secrets of building a house" (鲁班经相宅秘诀). ", which introduces the good and bad luck of house location and orientation, which is the Feng Shui numerology theory of house construction.

The more controversial one is the 4th volume. The content of this volume is far different from the 1st 3 volumes, and it contains some Black Magic spells to disturb and harm people.

The 4th volume of the "Luban Sutra" (鲁班经) was actually added when the "Luban Sutra" (鲁班经) was compiled in the Ming Dynasty, that is, the contents of the two books "The New Carved Master's Selection Record" (新刻法师选择纪) and "The True Words of the Spiritual Expulsion" (灵驱解法洞名真言) .

Take Note: Lu Ban's time was in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period, and "Lu Ban Jing" (鲁班经) was written in the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, "Lu Ban Jing" was not written by Lu Ban himself.

And when did "Lu Ban Shu"(鲁班书) appear?

"Lu Ban Shu"(鲁班书)  - "The Books of Lu Ban" - is also known as "Missing One Door" (缺一门), "The Upper and Lower Books Of Lu Ban" (鲁班书上下册), "The Complete Book of Lu Ban" (鲁班全书) and "The Secret Book of Lu Ban" (鲁班秘书). 

"Lu Ban Shu"(鲁班书)  - "The Books of Lu Ban" are divided into Upper (1st) Book and Lower (2nd) Book and catergorised into 3 Scrolls (卷)  -   Upper (1st) Scroll , Middle (2nd) Scroll and Lower (3rd) Scroll. 

The predecessor of "The Upper (1st) Book of Lu Ban" (鲁班书上册) is the Chong Zhen (崇祯) version of "The Family of Lu Ban Classical Craftsmen" (鲁班经匠家境). This version of "Lu Ban Jing Jia Ji Jing"(鲁班经匠家境) only has 3 volumes, which all record the skills of civil craftsmen, and "Lu Ban Shu Lower (2nd) Book" (鲁班书下册) is not only the content of the 4th volume of the Ming Dynasty version of "Lu Ban Jing" (鲁班经) but even more Spells and Incantations were added.

"The Lower (2nd) Book of Lu Ban's Book" (鲁班书下册) records all evil spells that are used to play tricks on and harm people. 

In order to learn and apply the Magical Spells from  the "Lu Ban Book" (鲁班书), it is publicly thought-to-be and believed that the Spiritually-Trained Master Craftman will order his  disciple / apprentice to opt for 1 choice -  Choose 1 of the 5 Curses -  End up being a Widower (鳏), End Up being a Widow (寡), Growing Old without Descendents (孤), Both Parents died and become an Orphan while still Young (独), Becoming Disabled (残). This is the reason why it is called  "Missing One Door" (缺一门) .

The rumours about the curse of learning Lu Ban Black Magic (鲁班邪术) came from this source:  It 1st appeared on a 2010 supernatural urban novel -《我当阴阳先生那几年》(The Years I Was a Yin-Yang Master) ,  by a China Online Author Cui Zou Shao (崔走召).

On the contrary, the beginning of the 1st page of "Lu Ban Book" (鲁班书actually  written "此书到家中、人兴财也旺、千叫必千应、万呼定万灵" -  meaning: When this book comes to your home, people will prosper, thousands of calls will be answered, and every call will calm all souls.

Take Note: There are many versions of "The Book of Lu Ban" - "Lu Ban Shu" (鲁班书)  now, but none of them were written by Lu Ban (鲁班). It was only in order to highlight the authority of "The Book of Lu Ban" (鲁班书) that later generations used Lu Ban's name.

It was natural for historical ancient old man Lu Ban to bear the blame, and he did so for thousands of years, so much so that when people mention Lu Ban today, the first thing that comes to mind is the evil spells that were used to play pranks and harm people. Lu Ban won't able to return back and sue the modern days folks for defamation.

Do the Black Magic Spells Of Lu Ban - (鲁班术) work?

It is better to be safe than sorry, by giving people (not just Chinese Carpenters / Craftmen ) the respect they deserve while engaging their services. In these modern days era, there are still stories and news about  difficult clients being "played" by supernatural forces  and suffering from bad lucks at home and at business premises, due to their ill-treating towards the Chinese craftmen / carpenters they have engaged for their services.

During Olden Days, Chinese Folks will automatically give proper threatment and respect to the Chinese Skilled Labourers and pay them the proper fees that are due , because they know these folks were highly skilled in  Black Magic , just in case they might add extra "goodies" (spiritual tampering) to their homes. 

This article is to make known and remind the Western Folks and Modern Days Westernized Chinese Folks to take precaution when dealing with Chinese Carpenters / Craftmen, who are well-trained in Ancient Chinese Carpentry Skills  and also the Spiritually-Trained Feng Shui Masters  that are high chance to be well-versed in Lu Ban Black  Magic (鲁班邪术) as well.

A Spiritually-Trained Feng Shui Master, not only have Feng Shui Knowledge  but also well-trained in Taoist Sorcery pertaining to Feng Shui. They can enhance Positive Feng Shui with Taoist Sorcery or apply it to counter / rectify Bad Feng Shui, like wise, they can also use Taoist Sorcery to destroy Good Feng Shui (for self-interest or deliberately wanting to disturb the Clients as punishment, or constantly digging out more money from clients). 

Yes... Some unscrupulous Spiritually-Trained Professional Chinese Feng Shui Masters may apply Lu Ban Black Magic  on already good Feng Shui Houses / Premises , usually targeting on the Rich / Wealthy Clients to keep on engaging them back for more Feng Shui Consultations / Services.

This is the part that Westerners, who are learning and practicing Feng Shui, don't know - The Spiritual Black Magic Feng Shui. 

The significance of Lu Ban Books (鲁班书) :

1. It divides the levels of ordinary carpenters / craftsmen and master  carpenters / craftsmen . Ordinary  carpenters / craftsmen take three years to become masters, and their masters only teach them the basic skills. Master carpenters / craftsmen learn for at least six years and master the profound skills and the "Lu Ban Books" (鲁班书).

2. It reflects the status of the ancient carpenters / craftsmen .  Carpenters / Craftsmen sometimes encounter safety accidents and strange events when they are working. The ancients were very taboo about these things. The "Lu Ban Books" (鲁班书) can be used to ward off disasters and pray for blessings, which reflects this situation.

3. It is a means for carpenters / craftsmen  to protect themselves . In ancient times, carpenters / craftsmen had a low status. Sometimes some clients (Home Owners / Bosses etc) not just provide coarse food to them but also would withhold wages /  fees. The spiritual methods of pranking / disturbing and harming people in "Lu Ban Book" (鲁班书) are helpful to punish difficult clients (Home Owners / Bosses etc)  and protect their  legitimate interests from being infringed upon.

Lastly, whether Lu Ban Magic is Black or White , depends on the reason "why" and "how" a person  uses it.

Related Articles / Posts: 

Videos Of Lu Ban Black Magic Book (鲁班书)