Academic Excellence Talisman

"Do you have any talisman that can help improve a person's memory and make him learn things faster?"

Some folks want talismans that can help them or their children to improve on studies, good memories and score well in exams..

After going through several Taoist Talismans for Education Wise, these are the Ultimate 3 In 1 combination for Educational Success.

Academic Excellence Talisman is made up of 3 Talismans group together:
  • "Pass Exams With Flying Colours" Talisman
  • "Wen Chang" Talisman
  • "Extreme Concentration" Talisman
"Pass Exams With Flying Colours" Talisman -
This talisman stop examination phobia and get rid of anxiety while sitting for exams. Many students study very hard for their exams but when come to actual sitting for the paper, their mind suddenly goes blank. This "Pass Exams With Flying Colours" Talisman will get rid of Your anxiety and let You complete Your exam paper smoothly and achieve excellent results.

"Wen Chang" Talisman (文曲星君符) -
Wen Chang(文昌), or Wen Qu Xing Jun(文曲星君) is a Taoist deity in Chinese Mythology, known as the God of Culture and Literature. In actual fact, Wen-Chang is a constellation of six stars in the vicinity of the Great Bear. Wen Chang has been called upon by Chinese scholars and Chinese students for academic help over thousands of years. With the Blessing of Wen Chang Deity, he will spiritually guide the students, who worshiped him, on the journey to Academic Excellence. Chinese parents, who are still very strong in Chinese Custom and Culture will never forget to bring their children to worship Wen Chang Deity,so as to seek his blessings for getting good grades in school. If You are a student from Western Country, who has faith in Taoism, You shall also get the same blessing from Wen Chang Deity.

"Extreme Concentration" Talisman -
This talisman help a student to focus 100% on his studies. With 100% concentration, the student will able to memorize and remember everything on what he /she has studied. This way, this student definitely will gonna score well for his / her exams with flying colours.

If You can read Chinese Characters, You will notice "麒麟" (Qi Lin, also spelled as kyrin or kirin in Japanese) written on the talisman. It is actually, a talisman to invoke the Qi-Lin, a devine creature, to come forward for assistance.

The Qi-Lin (kirin or kylin) is one of the “Four Divine Creatures” (四灵兽) that are often mentioned in ancient Chinese texts. The other three are the Phoenix, Turtle and Dragon. The mythical Qi-Lin is an oxen-hooved animal with a dragon-like head surmounted by a pair of deer’s antlers and flame-like head ornaments. It has the scales of a snake and a hairy and curly tail.

Qi-Lin appears only during the reign of an outstanding ruler or when a great sage is born or dies. Legends tell that the Qilin has appeared during the reigns of the legendary rulers, who were morally upright and benevolent, such as Fu Xi ( 伏羲), Huangdi (黄帝), Yao (尧) and Shun (舜).

The birth of the great sage Confucius was foretold by the arrival of a Qi-Lin.

A Qi-Lin, with a scroll in its mouth, appeared in the courtyard of his parents’ home. The scroll is called yu-shu (玉书 ), and had some words written on it (麒麟吐玉书).

The scroll served as an announcement of the will of Heaven. It disclosed that the baby to be born is going to be “a man of extraordinary good moral character and talent, an exemplar of human excellences.

Although he is not on the throne, he has the virtue of a king. During the weak Eastern Zhou rule, he can possibly be “Su Wang”, an uncrowned king. (Original text: 水精之子孙,衰周而素王)

On the same night of this happening, Confucius was born. The kirin was credited with bestowing Confucius to his parents, who have been longing for a son.

Hence, the belief “Kirin can deliver a child” . ( 麒麟送子) spreads. In ancient days, a male child was often called “Qi-Lin son” (麒麟儿 or 麟儿). The word Qi-Lin is also used to describe a brilliantly talented person.

In Feng Shui, it symbolizes joy, wisdom, magnificence, celebration, long life and famous children. A Qi-Lin Figurine / Statue  or a Qi-Lin Talisman is to help facilitate the success of children in their studies and grow up to be a Somebody.

Video Of Academic Excellence Talisman