Chinese Hell Gift Package - To Curse Someone Dead

Have You been Wronged or Bullied?  Are You thinking about how to seek revenge or a pay back on someone or a group of people?


CHINESE HELL GIFT PACKAGE - Beautiful & Nicely Wrapped

Someone is wishing me dead...  Someone wants to kill me... 

Most Western Folks only heard about Chinese Hell Bank Notes and have seen them online but they never know, heard of, or have seen the "Hell Gift Bag".

Hell Gift Package contains more than just Hell Bank Notes. Inside the package, it contains all kind of goodies (made of papers) that a ghost might need to use in the underworld.

In Chinese Culture, Hell Bank Notes and Hell Gift Packages are to be burnt as offerings to the deceased, and by no mean, sent to any Living Person.

To received a Hell Bank Note as a Gift by a living person, not only it is highly offensive but also considered extremely bad luck... Even worse, when You are receiving  a huge big pack of Hell Gift, addressed to Your name.

Some folks will question why need to spend so much money on a Hell Goodie Bag, when a cheap piece of Hell Bank Note is suffice to represent the same meaning.

Hong Gan! Suay Ah!  Na-Beh! KNNBCCB! Fucking Hell!

Not only that.. The beauty of sending Hell Gift Pack is.... 
It  creates  a sense of humour and feeling of fear combined onto  the victim.  Your enemy wants to laugh but cannot because he is in fear. He wants to be scared also cannot because it is damn hell of funny. Therefore, he will self-destruct by laughing his way to nervous breakdown. Imagine he goes around showing and telling his friends about someone has sent him the Hell Goodie Bag. They will be burst out laughing instead of worrying about him.

The BEST TIME to send Hell Gift Parcel to Your target is DURING HIS BIRTHDAY or ANY IMPORTANT FESTIVALS  related to his / her culture.

The most extreme sarcastic method is to send Hell Gift Bag by Registered Mail, and the parcel will be brought to the Receiver (The person You hate or wish dead) with a "human touch" by a real human, THE POSTMAN.

How can Western Folks use Chinese Hell Goodie Bags?
  •  Birthday Presents for Your hated ones
  • As Christmas Presents for Your hated ones   
  • Happy Burning during Halloween Party
  • As Pinatas at children parties


"Bro, Can help me send "Hell Gift" Parcel to a person?"

"Hell Gift" Parcel Delivery Service is ONLY  catered for Western Folks and Foreigners who are unable to get hold of Hell Gift Pack in their own countries and still want the Hell Goodies to send to their folks, whether just for fun during Halloween Party or to remind someone You wish him / her dead.

 The service charge for creating "Bring Bad Luck" Talisman is more expensive than paying for the Hell Gift Parcel and Delivery Service combined.

Related Article: Learn How To Hit The Villain ( 打小人)