Setting Up A Taoist Altar

Day by day, more and more Western Folks are getting interested to learn more about Taoism, or already proclaim to be a Taoist and want to set up a Taoist Altar at home, or set it in his own Tai Chi / Chinese Martial Art Training Hall.

This Article is to teach the Western Folks, who are planning to start praying to Taoist Deities, or already praying but not sure whether they have set up the Taoist Altar correctly.

Most Western Folks and the Chinese Folks who migrated to Western Countries, plus also the Filipino Chinese, often place the non-consecrated Deity Statues onto their Taoist Altars.

1st of all, let's see how Altar of non-consecrated Taoist Deities look like...

Taoist Altar - with non-consecrated Deity Statues

Most Western Folks and the Chinese Folks who migrated to Western Countries, plus also the Filipino Chinese often end up with this type of Taoist Altar , which is non spiritually empowered (non-consecrated) deity statues. There is nothing wrong in setting up this type of Taoist Altar, but it is only good to look at and has no spiritual power and no spiritual protection. This type of altar is good for You to sit near or next to it while reading some Taoist Books, listen to Taoist Music and appreciate Tao.

Taoist Altar - with consecrated Deity Statues
Taoist Altar is spiritually-empowered only when the Deity Statues are consecrated. Spiritually-empowered Taoist Altar is a must have for Folks who want to have his home to be blessed by the Deities. Only spiritually empowered Taoist Altar can protect the family from Evil Spirits, get rid of Black Magic Attack and bring prosperity and wealth into home, office and business.

Before You set up Your Taoist Altar, make sure the Taoist Deity Statues are consecrated. A Taoist Altar, without consecrated Deity Statues, is only good to look at but has no spiritual power and no spiritual protection.

Before You learn about how to set up a Taoist Altar...

Check out how Taoist Deity Statues are consecrated:  

Setting Up a Taoist Altar 

 Guan Yin Altar - Simple yet Elegant

1) Heavenly Deities must always be placed together in Odd Numbers - 1 deity, 3 deities , 5 deities etc. Praying to Hell Deities, can be in Even Numbers, example: Tua Ya Peh and Di Yah Peh are always worshiped together. Place the Deity or Deities in the middle of Altar. If intend to pray to Heavenly Deities and also Hell Deities , separate them apart. The Heavenly Deities on Top and Hell Deities below the Altar or Hell Deities can also be on Your Right Hand Side.

2) Lighting Stands or Lamps (shape like candles) are placed on each end , left and right on the Altar. And should be switched on 24hrs every day. When home / office lights are switched off, the Lights from the Lamps on the Altar are still brightly shining.

3) Incense Urn will be placed right in front and middle of the altar. When You are facing the Altar, make sure the Incense Urn does not cover the bodies and faces of the Deity Statues. If the incense urn will cover the view of bodies and faces of Deity Statues, add a wooden block below the Deity Statue to lift up above the incense urn.

4) For praying to Deities in Taoist Way, using of joss sticks must be in odd numbers. 1 joss stick, 3 joss sticks , 5 joss sticks... 3 joss sticks are the norm. For Buddhist way, a small incense urn can be used to contain the circular shape incense sticks or incense cones.

Activate Your Taoist Altar - With  "36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman

Most Western Folks and the Chinese Folks who migrated to Western Countries, plus also the Filipino Chinese often end up with a  Taoist Altar full of non-consecrated Deities Statues. You may want to replace them with consecrated ones. - Consecration of Taoist Deity Statues

Chinese folks in South-East-Asia ( Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand) can bring their non-consecrated to a Taoist Master or Taoist Temple to have Your non-consecrated Deity Statues to go through consecration ceremony. You may have to pay a fee for consecration service by a Taoist Master, or , if  You get it done by a Deity ( while in trance of a Taoist Medium) in the temple, You may just give donation in any amount You like.

If You are not intending to replace the unconsecrated Taoist deity statues  with  new consecrated ones, there is a simple remedy to "spiritually activate" the whole altar immediately and that is to frame up and hang a piece of Multi-Purpose "36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman on the Altar.

"36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman

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