Taoist Exorcism by Taoist Master

Taoist Exorcism can be performed by a Taoist Master or by a Taoist Medium, in trance of a Taoist Deity.

For Taoist Exorcism performed by a Taoist Medium, in trance of a Taoist Deity, Check Out: Taoist Exorcism by Taoist Medium

When Someone is possessed or disturbed by an evil spirit, it is often caused by 2 reasons.

1) The person have disturbed the ghost/spirit intentionally or unintentionally and the ghost wanted to seek revenge.

2)Someone is jealous of the person or have created trouble with another person and he/she wanted to seek Revenge/ Get Even/ Pay Back by using the ghost/spirits with Black Magic Ritual.

Note: Sometime some bad people need to be punished by Black Magic to teach them a lesson (but need not to the point of death, even though it can be done) , which is why Taoist Sorcery Blog is to reveal the reality of Taoist Black Magic on Getting Even/ Pay Back.

The video shown above is just one method of Taoist Exorcism done by a Taoist Master. Different Taoist Masters from different Taoist Sects will perform different method of Taoist Exorcism.

To the Christians, all kind of spirits/ghosts/demons are evil. In Taoism and Buddhism, not all spirits/ghosts/demons and other kind of spiritual entities are evil and they have their rights to reside and occupy in their own realms and also stay at certain places on Earth.

During Taoist Exorcism Ritual, evil spirits are not immediately punished. The spirits will be questioned on the reasons behind why the victim or victims are being disturbed or possessed by them. They may settle their case in peaceful manner. Joss Papers and Food offerings may be burnt to the spirits as apology and that the spirits must leave the victims alone immediately.

If the evil spirits would not agree to any form of compensation but stubbornly want to continue to harm and disturb the victim, Taoist Master will then show no mercy and to seek the power of Taoist Deity to perish the evil spirits.

When the Taoist Master is performing spiritual exorcism on the victim, the victim will not be hurt physically by the Taoist master but punishment and pain is received by the spirit.

Malaysians, and also Chinese folks in South East Asia, except Singaporeans, know the truth that black magic is real and that evil spirits/ghosts/demons do exist and may harm the human folks anytime. Therefore, they always have close network with Spiritual Masters in their communities and they can seek help anytime when there is a need.

When such spirit possession was to happen in Singapore, very likely he/she will be sent to Mental Hospital, instead of seeking help from a Spiritual Master, because most Singaporeans are "highly english educated and modernized" and laugh at other people who believe in the existence of Spirit Entities and black magic.

To prevent being hexed by black magic and also to prevent evil spirits from disturbing or harming You, the best way is to be protected before it ever happen to You. Check Out: Taoist Talisman for Overall Protection