Taoist Exorcism by Taoist Tangki

Taoist Exorcism can be performed by a Taoist Master or by a Taoist Medium, in trance of a Taoist Deity.

The video shows a Woman being possessed by an evil spirit. The Exorcism Ritual is done by a Taoist Tangki (Spirit Medium) in trance of a Taoist Deity, Xuan Tian Shan Ti(玄天上帝).

When Someone is possessed or disturbed by an evil spirit, it often caused by 2 reasons.

1) The person have disturbed the ghost/spirit intentionally or unintentionally and the ghost wanted to seek revenge.

2)Someone is jealous of the person or have created trouble with another person and he/she wanted to seek Revenge/ Get Even/ Pay Back by using the ghost/spirits with Black Magic Ritual.

Note: Sometime some bad people need to be punished by Black Magic to teach them a lesson (but need not to the point of death, even though it can be done) , which is why Taoist Sorcery Blog is to reveal the reality of Taoist Black Magic on Getting Even/ Pay Back.

When someone shows a sudden change in their behavior or turns crazy, very likely they may be possessed or disturbed by evil spirit and not always the case of mental problem.

In Singapore, the unlucky folks, who turn crazy or behave abnormally, which is genuinely caused by evil spirits, will often time end up in Mental Hospital , instead of getting help from spiritual master, because most of the Younger Singaporeans are too "highly educated and modernized" and stop believing in anything spiritual, so they will immediately treat it as "mental problem".

This is the reason why applying Black Magic and attack on Singaporeans are easily done, since they don't believe in Black Magic and they have no protection (Taoist Talismans / Buddhist Amulets) against it. When few Singaporeans wake up to the understanding that they in deed need help from a spiritual master to do exorcism, they don't know where to get help, even if the Taoist Temples are just around their neighbourhoods.

Taoist Sorcery Service is created to provide Singaporeans and Western Folks ,who may want to seek revenge / getting even / pay back by using Taoist Black Magic on their enemies. In Singapore Law, there is no such thing as Black Magic and the victims cannot go report to Police that someone had used Black Magic on them, even if it is true and the Police Officer, personally strongly believe in it and yet still cannot arrest the Black Magic Practitioner just because there is no such thing as "Black Magic" in Singapore Law.

In Malaysia, and also other countries of South East Asia, the people of these countries know the reality of spiritual forces and black magic as they get to see with their own eyes or being hexed by black magic themselves. Therefore, they have a close contact with spiritual masters in their communities and always carry Taoist Talismans or Thai Buddhist Amulets for spiritual protection.

Taoist Talisman for Spiritual Protection