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How Taoist Master / Sorcerer Creates Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talismans

Many folks have seen how Taoist Talismans look like. You have also noticed some Taoist Talismans look simple in the strokes of characters written on the Yellow Paper and some talismans look very complicated.

Some folks believe in the spiritual power of Taoist Talismans but many more folks just laugh at them , thinking what kind of bullshit that is which a piece of yellow paper can do wonders - protection, wealth, love etc.

Folks who strongly believe in the spiritual power of Taoist Talismans are searching high and low for the knowledge to create Taoist Talismans for themselves.

Some folks think of merely copy the same characters written on the Taoist Talismans and then they will have the same genuine , powerful Taoist Talismans, which is WRONG.

The True Fact Is...
There are a lot of work to be done before the 1st stroke of ink touches the Talisman Paper, and also a lot of work to be done after the Taoist Talisman is drawn / written , in order to spiritually empower the Taoist Talismans.

IMPORTANT: To create / activate / empower Taoist Talismans, You need to be able to read , write, speak and understand Chinese (Mandarin) or Chinese Dialects. YOU CANNOT CHANT WITH ENGLISH OR ANY OTHER NON-CHINESE LANGUAGES TO CREATE / ACTIVATE / EMPOWER THE TAOIST TALISMANS.

Spiritual Cleansing / Empowering of the Tools / Items / Materials that are needed to create Taoist Talismans

1) 敕水咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate the Water

2) 敕硃砂咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Cinnabar (For Red Ink)

3) 敕墨咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Black Ink Stick

4) 敕砚咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Ink-Stone

5) 敕筆咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate The Brush

6) 敕紙咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate The Papers / Cloth

Spiritually Cleansing / Activating / Consecrating of the Tools / Items / Materials are performed only once and need not redo again and again. The Tools / Items / Materials are to be placed on the Spiritual Altar or Desk for future use.

Spiritual Cleansing of the Taoist Master / Sorcerer
Taoist Master / Sorcerer will usually chant several Taoist Verses to spiritually cleanse himself /herself before creating the Taoist Talismans. The several Taoist Verses are based on the 10 Power Incantations of Taoism (道教十大神咒) :
  • 净心神咒 - Incantation for Purifying the Heart
  • 净口神咒 - Incantation for Purifying the Mouth
  • 净身神咒 - Incantation for Purifying the Body
  • 安土地神咒 - Incantation for Pacifying the Earth Spirits
  • 净天地神咒 - Incantation for Purifying Heaven and Earth
  • 祝香神咒 - Incantation for Offering of Incense
  • 金光神咒 - Incantation Golden Light
  • 发豪光神咒 - Incantation of Executing Extreme Bright Light
  • 净三业神咒 - Incantation of Purifying Karma of 3 Lives - This Live and Previous 2 Lives
  • 净坛神咒 - Incantation of Purifying the Altar
During the process of creating Taoist Talisman

1) 請神咒 - Depend on the purpose of the Taoist Talismans to be created, specific spell is chanted to invoke a paticular Deity or selected group of Deities. Sometime, ghosts / spirits / demons are summoned for Black Magic or Revenge Magic purposes. There are hundred over Chinese / Taoist Deities. Different  Taoist Sects / Lineages have different group of Deities. Each Diety has it's own specific spell to be chanted to invoke him / her. Knowing which deity or deities to invoke is very important for a Taoist Master / Sorcerer as different deities have their own specialty of duties.

2) 磨墨咒 - Specific Spell is chanted while circling /grinding the Black Ink Stick on the Ink Tray to mix with the Holy Water.

3) 取筆咒 - Specific spell is chanted while the brush is lifted up to prepare to draw / write the talisman

4)下筆咒 - Specific spell is chanted while starting to draw / write on the Talisman Paper

5) Specific individual spells are chanted while drawing / writing a Talisman from the beginning / top of the Talisman and until the ending /closing /completion of the Talisman. A Taoist Talisman is a combination of several parts from opening to completion. Each part of a Taoist Talisman has it's own specific spell to be chanted from starting to ending.
  • 三清咒 - Specific Spell to praise the San-Qing
  • 祖师咒 - Specific Spell to pay respect to the Founder of Sect
  • 符头咒 - Specific Spell to chant while drawing / writing the "head" (top) part of Talisman
  • 符胆咒 - Specific Spell to chant while drawing / writing the "gallbladder" part the of Talisman
  • 符脚咒 - Specific Spell to chant while drawing / writing the "foot" part (ending) the of Talisman
6) Chopping of Taoist Stamp Seals onto the drawn /written Taoist Talismans

Taoist Master Explains The Steps Of Creating A Taoist Talisman From Beginning to Ending

Taoist Master Explaining the different types of Fu-Dan (符胆) - The "Gallbladder" part of Talisman

Finally To Empower / Activate the Talismans which has just been drawn / written

1) 敕符咒 / 手印 - Specific spells are chanted and Several Taoist Hand Seals (Signs/ Gestures / Mudras) are performed together to spiritually empower / activate the Taoist Talismans.

2)  In some occasions, Pu Gang Ta Dou (步罡踏斗)- Pacing the Big Dipper Bu Gang or Pacing Of Seven Stars Constellation (七星步) are performed.

3) Specific Chant to thank the Deities invoked and sending them off.

4) Burning of Joss Papers ( 金纸) to thank the Deities / Spiritual Entities invoked.

By now, You understand that creating a Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talisman is not as easy as You have thought. There are many steps and chants involved before , during and after drawing / writing a Taoist Talisman.

If You happened to received FREE Taoist Talisman from a Big Taoist Temple with full of devotees, 90% chance that is a mass printed version of fake Taoist Talismans.

With so many steps and time and the expertise involved in creating a Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talisman, it will never be cheap.


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