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Origin of Tai-Sui (太岁) & How To Pray

Origin of  Tai-Sui (太岁)
Originally, Tai-Sui (太岁), Grand Duke Of Jupiter, was an IMAGINARY Jupiter (岁星 / 木星), that follows the exact path of Jupiter in the opposite direction, thereafter, transformed into a group of  60 deities.

Ancient Chinese Astronomy,Astrology and Fortune Telling used Chinese Calender that were calculated using 10 Heavenly Stems (十天干) & 12 Earthly Branches (十二地支) ,which combined the 2 will produce the 60 years cycles (六十花甲).

Jupiter revolves the Sun every 11.86 Earth years, and this was how the 12 Earthly Branches came into play in the subject of divination. The celestial sphere was divided into 12 sections, each representing two hours of a day. Jupiter moves into each of these 12 sections yearly, which forms the 12 astrological signs.

Since Jupiter’s period is 11.86 years and the celestial sphere consists of 12 sections, it does not synchronize to give an accurate interpretation of the astrological signs. After a long period, the error will be noticeable, that was how the concept of Tai Sui (太岁) came about. Tai Sui (the year star, also the Great Duke of Jupiter) is an intangible (imaginary) star that was created to correct this error between the 12 branches and Jupiter’s period. It revolves the celestial sphere in exactly 12 Earth years. With the introduction of Tai Sui, the astrological signs can then be interpreted with consistency.

The day that Tai Sui transits into a new section of the celestial sphere is on the Li-Chun (立春) - “Beginning Of Spring”.

Now, You know that Tai Sui is not just the group of 60 Taoist deities; it originated for the purpose of math and science.

60 Honorable Generals Were  Deified As Tai Suis
Tai Sui was first recorded to be deified in Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 CE). It was until the Jin Dynasty, the Emperor Zhangzong (August 31, 1168 – December 29, 1208) started to worship his mother's natal star to pray for a fast recovery from her illness, the Tai Sui worshiping culture (An Tai Sui, 安太岁) got its popularity.

Later on, 60 honorable generals were apotheosized as Tai Suis to assist the Jade Emperor in taking charge of the well-being of the mortal world. Each of them takes turn to be in charge for a year; 60 generals (Tai Sui) match the 60 years of Sexagenary cycle.

In the whole 60 years cycle of the Chinese Lunar Calender, there are total of 60 Tai Suis (六十太岁). One Tai-Sui is in charge of  one particular year of the 60 years cycle.

Out of all these 60 Tai Suis, there's an Overall In-charge of all Tai Sui. His name is Yin Jiao (殷郊) – son of the Evil King Zhou of Shang Dynasty 商朝紂王之子 (with 3 Heads and 6 Arms 生有三頭六臂). Due to his fierce looking face, nowadays, he is being given the image of a Little Boy holding the Banner with Dang Nian Tai Sui (当年太岁), or Zhi Nian Tai Sui (值年太岁) written on it.

Praying to the Tai-Sui Deities
On the beginning of a new year, there will be 4 types of conflicts between the Tai-Sui Of the Year (Dang Nian Tai Sui -当年太岁) - and some of the 12 Earth branches (12 Chinese Zodiacs).

The 4 conflicts are:
刑太岁 - Punishment Of  Tai-Sui
沖太岁 - Opposing The Taisui
破太岁 - Destruction Of The Taisui
害太岁 - Harming The Taisui

If Tai-Sui (太岁) of that year crosses Your zodiac path, then You will have bad luck.

To pray to Tai Sui (During Chinese New Year / or Thanking Tai-Sui during Year End):

If You have very low budget, You may simply just follow the majority Chinese Folks who go to a Big Chinese Temple and buy incense sticks and Joss Papers and pray to the Tai-Sui Deity in charge of the Year. This method will at least still give You a peace of mind for one year but actually doesn't do much benefit to You.

If You have very high budget, the it is advisable to seek help from a Taoist Master, who caters a proper full set of Tai-Sui Prayer for You, which include hand written Tai-Sui Talismans, filled with Your Date Of Birth and Full Name, and go through a proper Tai-Sui Ritual for You. You may want to seek help from Taoist Sorcery Master. You have to provide Your Date Of Birth and Chinese Name (If You are a Chinese) and the fee for Tai-Sui Ritual is not cheap either.

According to Taoist Practice, the Best & Accurate Day to pay respect to the Lord Tai Sui of the New Lunar Year starts on the day of Li Chun (立春) - The Beginning of the Spring Season.

Related Post: Do you provide "Tai Sui" Ritual Service?

The list of 60 Tai Suis and the specific year each specific Tai-Sui take charge (六十位值年太岁星君之神名)

甲子太岁 - 金辩大将军
乙丑太岁 - 陈材大将军
丙寅太岁 - 耿章大将军
丁卯太岁 - 沈兴大将军
戊辰太岁 - 赵达大将军
己巳太岁 - 郭灿大将军
庚午太岁 - 王济大将军
辛未太岁 - 李素大将军
壬申太岁 - 刘旺大将军
癸酉太岁 - 康志大将军

甲戌太岁 - 施广大将军
乙亥太岁 - 任保大将军
丙子太岁 - 郭嘉大将军
丁丑太岁 - 汪文大将军
戊寅太岁 - 鲁先大将军
己卯太岁 - 龙仲大将军
庚辰太岁 - 董德大将军
辛巳太岁 - 郑但大将军
壬午太岁 - 陆明大将军
癸未太岁 - 魏仁大将军

甲申太岁 - 方傑大将军
乙酉太岁 - 蒋崇大将军
丙戌太岁 - 白敏大将军
丁亥太岁 - 封济大将军
戊子太岁 - 邹铛大将军
己丑太岁 - 傅佑大将军
庚寅太岁 - 邬桓大将军
辛卯太岁 - 范甯大将军
壬辰太岁 - 彭泰大将军
癸巳太岁 - 徐单大将军

甲午太岁 - 章词大将军
乙未太岁 - 杨仙大将军
丙申太岁 - 管仲大将军
丁酉太岁 - 唐傑大将军
戊戌太岁 - 姜武大将军
己亥太岁 - 谢太大将军
庚子太岁 - 卢秘大将军
辛丑太岁 - 杨信大将军
壬寅太岁 - 贺谔大将军
癸卯太岁 - 皮时大将军

甲辰太岁 - 李诚大将军
乙巳太岁 - 吴遂大将军
丙午太岁 - 文哲大将军
丁未太岁 - 缪丙大将军
戊申太岁 - 徐浩大将军
己酉太岁 - 程宝大将军
庚戌太岁 - 倪秘大将军
辛亥太岁 - 叶坚大将军
壬子太岁 - 丘德大将军
癸丑太岁 - 朱得大将军

甲寅太岁 - 张朝大将军
乙卯太岁 - 万清大将军
丙辰太岁 - 辛亚大将军
丁巳太岁 - 杨彦大将军
戊午太岁 - 黎卿大将军
己未太岁 - 傅党大将军
庚申太岁 - 毛梓大将军
辛酉太岁 - 石政大将军
壬戌太岁 - 洪充大将军
癸亥太岁 - 虞程大将军

Related Article: The Proper Tai-Sui Protection Talismans

The Origin, Legends & Power Of Tua Pek Kong (大伯公) - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) - Chinese Earth Deity

Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) is the Earth Deity worshipped by Chinese folks. In China and Taiwan, he is addressed as Tu Di Gong (土地公) or Tu Di Shen (土地神). In South East Asia, he is often called Da Bo Gong (大伯公) - The Great Grand Uncle. In Indonesia, he is known as Dewa Bumi. In Ryukyu - Japan (日本琉球), he is known as 土帝君(トゥティークー).

In ancient time, Chinese Folks pray to Earth God for the abundance of crops, grains , healthy livestocks etc. In this modern era, Earth God is prayed for prosperity, wealth ,safety and happiness. Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) is also revered as one of the Chinese Gods Of Wealth. He can even be sought after to Win The  Lottery / 4D, if You know the way.

Within the celestial pantheon, Tu Di Gong occupies a unique position, as he is at the same time the lowest ranking official in the bureaucracy, yet also the most commonly worshiped deity. Almost every homes of the Chinese Folks in South East Asia, has an altar of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) in the main hall / living room.

Today, many Chinese Young Adults still pray to him but without knowing the origin, the legends , the way to pray , and the power of him. This is the article to share with You the knowledge and information of  Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神).

The Talisman Of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

While You have been praying to Your Tua Pek Kong at home for many years and have not been Striking The Lottery (4D / Toto)  You may need this Talisman.

The Talisman Of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) is drawn and then empowered with the secret "hand seal" of  invoking Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神),  while chanting the sorcery incantation of  welcoming Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神).

The Talisman Of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神), is to be placed on the wall of the altar of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神). It can use to spiritually activate the altar of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神), if the Statue / Figurine is not consecrated (Light Opening - 开光) .  This talisman can also be kept inside the wallet / purse / bag.

Note: " Protection All In One" Talisman can be used to activate /empower the altar of different deities, including altar of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神). Talisman of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) can only be used to activate / empower the altar of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

Paper Talismans of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) are also being burnt with Chinese Joss Papers, during Zuo Ya (作牙) - ( means prayers of every 2nd & 16th Day Of Every Chinese Lunar Month for wealth / business success  by the bosses) and also being burnt on the important celebration days of  revering Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神).

To seek lottery numbers ,such as 4D,  You can tie the Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) Talisman on a cup, filled with numbers (0 to 9), and use the "Shake Cup" Method  to seek 4D Numbers. If the Talisman is placed on the altar, You shall face the Tua Pek Kong Altar and apply the "Shake Cup" Method  to seek 4D Numbers. When You seek 4D Numbers, You must always light up incense sticks / cones.

Ancient Historical Records of worshiping the Earth Deity / Spirit

According to Ancient Books of Kan-Yu (Feng Shui), there existed ceremonial rites of worshiping the earth and village. Because the Earth carries and gives birth to everything, on which the five cereals grow to feed the people, therefore, the Chinese since ancient time have been honouring the heaven and respecting the earth.


In the Unofficial Commentaries on the Book of Rites (礼记外传),wrote "a country takes the people to be its foundation, and the masses regard food as their heaven. So when the emperor founds the country and governs the people, he commands to first set up the altar of the soil. Due to the wide earth and rich cereal crops and the impossibility to worship every inch of the earth, altars are set up to worship the Earth in countries and cities".

《礼记外传》 称“国以民为本,民以食为天,故建国君民,先命立社,地广谷多,不可遍祭,故於国城之内,立坛祀之”。

The section of "Sacrificial Rites" of the Book of Rites (礼记.祭法) has a commentary which says, "people from superior officials down, including scholar-officials and commoners, lived in groups. A village was established where there were more than 100 families,  will set up a shrine to worship the Earth".


The section "Records of the Five Agents" (汉书·五行志) of the History of the Han Dynasty says, "25 families composed a village". The ancient Chinese with the understanding of  "the Earth is so wide that it is impossible to worship all over it, so the soil was piled up into an altar in order to repay its contribution". Therefore, when a shrine was built in a village to worship the earth god, it is also known as village god.


According to Ancient Books of Kan-Yu (Feng Shui), the Village Spirit was at the beginning, nameless. After the Eastern Jin Dynasty (东晋), charitable and upright officials were taken to be the Earth Spirit among the people, therefore the spirit was personalized and named.


Taoist Scripture records of  worshiping the Earth Spirit / Deity

The section "On Village Spirits" of "The Book of Major Daoist Numinous Spirits and Ghosts" quoted Laozi's Catalogue of Ghosts and Spirits of Heaven and Earth (老子天地鬼神目录), saying, "the Village Spirit of the capital was an upright subject of Heaven. It was Yin (阴) on the left side and Yang (阳) on the right side, and named Huang Chong (黄崇). It was a native of Li Yang (历阳), Jiu Jiang (九江) of Yang Zhou (杨州).


Ranked as Zhi Wan Shi (秩万石), he governs the great divinities of famous mountains on Earth under Heaven, and all the other Village Spirits serve him as his subject". After the Ming and Qing dynasties, celebrities were often taken to be the local Earth Spirit among the people. For example, it is said that the Earth Spirit worshiped by the Imperial Academy and by the Ministry of Civil Personnel in the Qing dynasty was Han Yu(韩愈), a great literati of the Tang dynasty. The area around the Imperial College in Hangzhou was the hometown of Yue Fei (岳飞), so the Imperial College venerated Yue Fei as the Earth Spirit. Today the Earth Granny is often worshiped as a supplement in the temples of the Earth Spirit. This custom originated around the Southern Song dynasty.


Earth Deity became a Minor Deity in the ranks of Taoist Gods

According to Ancient Books of Kan-Yu (Feng Shui),  after the Eastern Jin Dynasty (东晋), with the gradual perfection of the bureaucratic system from the central authorities to the basic level in feudal countries, the Earth Deity, which is only able to govern the native soil, gradually evolved into a minor deity of the lowest rank among Taoist Deities.


The very 1st record that a human died and raised to the level of Earth Deity

Throughout thousands of years , during different dynasties and in different parts of China, there were many good men of virtues who passed on and being worshiped  by Chinese Folks as God Of Earth. The very 1st person whom was revered as Gods Of  Earth was Jiang Zi Wen (蒋子文).

Volume Five of “Investigations into the Divine”(搜神记) says that Jiang Zi Wen (蒋子文), a native of Guang Ling (广陵), died for pursuing thieves. After Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu wielded power, Jiang Ziwen (蒋子文) presented his spirit on a road and said, "I should be the Earth Spirit of this place to benefit you people". Here to "benefit you people" means to bless the safety of houses, the birth of babies into families, and the thriving of the domestic animals on the native land and to being just. Often there is an antithetical couplet in the temples of the Earth Spirit in the south of China, which says, "the grandpa handles affairs fairly, while the grandma gives advice earnestly".


When Tu Di Gong (土地公) became known as "Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)"

The title of "Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)", only appear after Tang-Song Dynasty. Before that, usually people will only use Tu Di (土地) or Hou Tu (后土). Chinese folks believe that it was given by Heaven to Zhang Fu De due to his loyalty and willingness to sacrify for his life to help the others.

Legend 1 of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) was born in the Zhang family and his named Zhang Fu De (张福德) during Zhou emperor 2nd year, on 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month. He was very intelligent and filial since young. At age 36, he was working as a tax officer. He was an honest and honorable gentleman. He pities the poor suffering folks and always extends his helping hands without fail. He passed away at the age of 102, in the second generation of the Zhou dynasty. After 3 days of his passing, his face didn’t change. A poor neighbor used four piece of huge rock to enclose his dead body. Soon these rocks become flatten and completely cover his body. People see this as an act of deity and soon built a shrine for him. The villagers also didn’t forget all the good deeds that Fu De had done. With time, Fu De soon becomes known as Fu De Zheng Shen.


Legend 2 of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

During the Zhou dynasty, A rich landlord, Master Shang (上大夫), was sent to a remote place to be a government official. As he did not come back for a long tim, his daughter set out to find him. She was accompanied by a faithful male servant,  named Zhang Ming De (张明德).  On their journey, they were surprised by a snowstorm. Zhang Ming De took off all his clothing to cover the young girl, thus saving her life but unfortunately, Zhang died as a result of it. Immediately after Zhang’s death, in the sky appeared six words “南天門大仙福德正神” (Great Immortal Of The Southern Door Of Heaven, the true Deity that brings Prosperity & Wealth). Master Shang was grateful to Zhang Ming De for saving his daughter life and built a shrine to honor him. Before the end of Zhou emperor era, it was known as Hou Tu but now better known as ‘Fu De Zheng Shen’.


Important Days of Praying To Tua Pek Kong (大伯公) - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

-  Birthday - 2nd Day of 2nd Chinese Lunar Month
- Day Of Gaining Tao - 15th Day of 8th Chinese Lunar Month (Chinese Lantern Festival)
- Zuo Ya (作牙) - 16th Day of 8th Lunar Month

*Zuo Ya (作牙) means every 2nd & 16th Day Of Every Chinese Lunar Month, the Chinese Bosses / Shop Owners etc will pray to the Local God Of Wealth - Referring to The Earth God.


《诸罗县志.卷之八》:「二月二日,街衢社里敛钱演戏,赛当境土神;盖仿古『春祈』之意。」 《诸罗县志.卷之八》:「中秋祀当境土神,与二月二日同,仿『秋报』也。四境歌吹相闻,谓之『社戏』。会饮赏月,制大饼以象之;士子朱书『元』字,用骰子掷四红夺饼,预取『秋闱夺魁』之兆。」 故所谓春祈秋报即与上述两日相同,现今之祭仪应为旧有社祭习俗之变。



Scripture Of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)




Related Sites & Articles:
- Earth God Of Wealth - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)
- Chinese Gods Of Wealth

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Origin Of Chinese Tomb Sweeping Day - Qingming Festival (清明节)

Taoist Tour To Hell To Visit The Dead - Guan Luo Yin (观落阴)

Playing The Chinese Ouija Board - Die-Xian (碟仙)

Chinese Planchette / Spirit Writing - Fu-Ji (扶乩)

Learn How To Hit The Villain (打小人)

Chinese 10 Halls Of Hell (十殿地狱)

36 Heavens Of Taoism

How Taoist Master / Sorcerer Creates Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talismans

The God / Founder Of Bagua (八卦祖师)

The Taoist Symbol - The Power Of Bagua (八卦)

5 Arts of Chinese Metaphysics (中华玄学) - Wu Shu (五 术)

Mao-Shan Straw & Paper Effigies In Taoist Sorcery (茅山 草人/ 纸人术)

3 Hun and 7 Po (三魂七魄) In Taoist Sorcery

Five Camps Celestial Soldiers (五营兵将)

闾山派 (Lǘ Shān Sect)

Ancient Chinese Shamanism To Modern Folk Taoism

Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?

Praying To Moon Goddess - 拜月娘

Celebrating Mid-Authumn Festival

The Jade Rabbit - Chang-Er's Pet

The Legend of Moon Goddess - Chang-Er (婵娥)

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival - Origin & History

"Maintain Harmony Between Husband and Wife" Talismans

"Break Up Husband and Wife" Talisman

"Break Up Couple / Friendship" Talisman

"Maintain Love Relationship" Talismans

"Convey Love Feeling" Talisman

"Marriage Success" Talisman and Ritual

Peach Blossom Talisman (桃花符) - Taoist Talisman for Finding and Attract Love Immediately

Taoist Talismans / Rituals From Finding Love to After Getting Married

Ultimate Salesman Talisman

Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival - 2 Proper Praying Methods and 1 Lay Method

Hungry Ghost Month and Festival - Warning and Taboos

Secret To Strike 4D Lottery During Hungry Ghost Festival

Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival - 2 Origins

10 Power Incantations of Taoism(道教十大神咒)

How To Pray to Taoist Deities

Activate Your Taoist Altar with "36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman

Consecration Of Taoist Deity Statues

Setting Up A Taoist Altar

The Power of Taoist Black Command Flag

Onmyodo - Taoist Sorcery In Ancient Japan

Hindu Procession In Taoist Temple