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Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.
The Goddess of Childbirth - Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) is a fertility deity in Folk Taoist Culture.
She is in charge of pregnancy, delivery of infant, protection of mother
and child. She holds a book and a brush reflecting the Chinese practise
of recording new born child in the family lineage records. She also have
12 goddess assistants to protect and care for the children until
teenage years (12 to 15 years old).
She is worshiped by the Southern Chinese (especially the Hokkien and Teochew community) and her birthday is celebrated on Chinese Lunar Calendar of 20th day of the 3rd lunar month.
Women who hope to have children or those who are productivity challenged will pray to her for help in conceiving and safe delivery.
Who is Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)?
There are different stories and legends of different Chinese Goddesses Of Fertility / Childbirth in different parts of China.
Over here will only focus on the one prayed by the Southern Chinese Communities and Oversea Chinese in South East Asia.
Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) is a Goddess Figure derived from 3 Goddesses recorded in the Ming Dynasty Novel - Feng Shen Yan Yi (封神演义).
The 3 Goddesses are the 3 younger sisters of Warrior Gods Of Wealth - Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明):
Zhao Yun Xiao (赵云霄)
Zhao Qiong Xiao (赵琼霄)
Zhao Bi Xiao (赵碧霄)
They have the control of 2 magical devices / weapons:
1) Hun Yuan Jin Dou (混元金斗) - use as the basin to wash newborn baby.
2) Jin Jiao Jian (金蛟剪) - use as the scissor to cut the newborn's umbilical cord.
Later on, the 3 goddesses were combined into 3 In 1, known as Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘).
Another Popular Goddess of Childbirth In Fu-Zhou, China and Fu-Zhou People In Taiwan:
Madam Lin Shui (临水夫人- Ling Shui Fu Ren) as Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘).
Madam Lin Shui (临水夫人- Ling Shui Fu Ren) was a woman, who had learnt Taoist Magical Skills in Mt. Lǘ (闾山) and was good at subduing demons. The Story of the Water Margin Lady - (臨水夫人 Lin Shui Fu Ren) who became Chinese Goddess Of Childbirth - Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)
''After my death, I will become a spirit to help women who suffer from difficult labor"
The Water-Margin Lady - (临水夫人 Lin Shui Fu Ren) was also known as the Great Lady ( 大奶夫人- Da Nai Fu Ren ), the Lady of Good Virtue ( 順懿夫人 - Shun Yi Fu Ren ), Chen Qin Gu (陈靖姑), and Chen Jin Gu (陈进故).
Chen Qin Gu came from Fuzhou prefecture, which is located in Xia Du, Luo Yuan County, Fujian province (闽县藤山下渡).
Her father, Chen Chang (陈昌), was a finance minister, and her mother's family surname was Ge (葛氏).
In popular stories, a fingernail of the Goddess of Mercy (Avalokitesvara) was reincarnated as Chen Qin Gu. She was actually born on the Chinese Lunar Calendar 15 day of the 1st lunar month in the second Da Li Era(大曆) of the Tang dynasty (767 A.D).
According to the Casual Record of the Ming Capital (闽都别记 - Min Du Bie Ji), when Chen Qin Gu was born, the whole room was covered by colorful clouds, and the garden was filled with auspicious air, which was considered by her neighbors as a miracle as well as a good sign.
As a little girl, she was intelligent, virtuous and dignified. She started to learn the Daoist Skill of Mt. Lǘ (闾山) at the age of thirteen. Three years later, she finished her training and went home. Then she obeyed her parents' advice and married Liu Qi(刘杞), a man in Gu Tian county (古田县).
In the second summer after the founding of the Min state, her hometown was afflicted with a severe drought. Then Chen Qin Gu became pregnant for several months. The drought killed all plants and crops, leaving people helpless. In response to appeals from the local people, the Water-Margin Lady, then aged twenty-four, paid no attention to her pregnancy.
At the cost of miscarriage, she came to the temple, praying for rain by using her Taoist Magical Skills. It worked. A heavenly rain washed away the drought. But Water-Margin Lady was herself killed.
After that, she ascended to heaven by Deliverance from the Corpse. When she passed away, she said:
''After my death, I will become a spirit to help women who suffer from difficult labor".
Local people set up temples in Gu Tian, showing respect to her statues, which were constructed according to Chen Qin Gu's appearance.
During the Chun You (淳祐) era of the Song dynasty (1241-1252), she was granted the title of 'Lady of Lofty Fortune, Brilliant Grace and Benevolent Salvation' ( 崇福昭惠慈濟夫人 - Chong Fu Zhao Hui Ci Ji Fu Ren ) as well as that of 'Lady of Good Virtue'.
In later times, the title of Emerald Cloud and Blue Soul Heavenly Immortal Mother of Universal Salvation" ( 天仙聖母青靈普化碧霞元君 - Tian Xian Sheng Mu Qing Ling Pu Hua Bi Zia Yuan Jun ) was also conferred on her.
During the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, she won herself more titles, which included 'Water-Margin Lady of Lofty Fortune ( 临水崇福夫人 - Lin Shui Chong Fu Fu Ren), Primordial Lady of Good Virtue and Holy Motherhood, etc.
She was normally referred to as the 'Heavenly Lord of Benevolence and Sincerity" ( 惠忱慈量天尊 - Hui Chen Si Liang Tian Zun ) in Daoist books.
Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) Birthday Celebration is 20th of the 3rd lunar month Of Chinese Calendar.
Lin Shui Fu Ren (臨水夫人) Birthday Celebration is 15 day of the 1st lunar month Of Chinese Calendar.
Praying To Zhu Sheng Niang Niang
If You are able to find a Chinese Temple with Altar of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘), You can go and pray by yourself. Ask the Temple assistant to guide You. Below is the basic instructions:
Hoping to conceive either sex of baby, just pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) and say Your wish
If You hope for a baby boy, pray and offer Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) with White Flowers
If You hope for a baby girl, pray and offer Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) with Red Flowers
If You are a Westerner, or You can't find a Chinese Temple with Altar of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) near You, and prefer a proper ritual to be done for You, You may email Taoist Sorcery Master. Take note that the Ritual FEE is not cheap.
The Chinese Young Adults in Singapore & Malaysia are crazy over newly created Thai Version "Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit" Amulets but they don't know there are actually many secret Fox Spirit Talismans of Mao-Shan Sect used in Black Magic Ritual. Very few Taiwanese Folks in Taiwan knew about them as well.
No Chinese folks in China, Singapore, Malaysia and around South East Asia heard and seen the Fox Spirit Talismans of Chinese Black Magic.
Only Folks who have previously consulted about their opposite-sex attraction problems were secretly recommended to keep this talisman. Introducing Fox Spirit Sexual-Attraction Talisman Of Mao-Shan Sect Black Magic
Over here is to introduce a Fox Spirit Sexual-Attraction Talisman Of Mo-Shan Sect created on yellow cloth, which is to be kept / carried by You. Yes, a talisman which You can touch and feel. Not to be burned and drink.
This Mao-Shan Black Magic Talisman invokes Female Fox Spirit to explode Your Natural Sexual-Attractiveness 100 times to LURE the Opposite Sex to come to You and LUST over You. Women will find the man irresistible. Men will find the Woman irresistible.
Carrying this Talisman, is like a Wild Fox carrying with it a very strong scent of Pheromone, that the minute the opposite-sex come close to You, there is a strong desire to copulate with You.
This Fox Spirit Sexual-Attraction Talisman Of Mo-Shan Sect Black Magic - Opposite Sex Naturally Self-Coming (茅山狐仙迷人符) is to be kept inside wallet, purse, pouch, pocket , or rolled up put inside a holder and wear as a pendent, or hook up onto a key-chain.
Take Note: There are still many other secret Fox Spirit Talismans used in specific love / sex / break-up Rituals, which are not revealed here. If You case is specifically targeting one specific person, then a ritual is need to be done and this talisman is not for You.
Understanding the talisman:
The Chinese Character - 魅, means:
魅惑 - fascination, attraction, lure
魅力 - charm, fascination, charisma
The Chinese Character - 媚, means:
charming, attractive, flatter
The Chinese Character - 迷, means:
bewitch, charm, infatuate, irresistable
Who is SUITABLE to keep / carry this talisman?
Men who want to sexually-attract many girls / ladies / women into their life
Women who want to attract more men into their life
Sales People who are dealing a lot with the Opposite Sex
Folks who feel they can't seem to attract the Opposite Sex
Folks who love to party, clubbing , night life etc
Folks who want to be a Social-Magnet, attracting the Opposite-Sex Anytime, Anywhere
There are 5 Animal Immortals, worshiped by the North-Eastern Chinese Folks. They are:
Hu Immortals (Fox) - 胡仙(狐狸)
Yellow Immortals (Weasel) - 黄仙(黄鼠狼)
White Immortals (Hedgehog) - 白仙(刺猬)
Willow Immortals (Snake) - 柳仙(蛇)
Grey / Ash Immortals (Rat) - 灰仙(老鼠)
Foxes, Weasels, Hedgehog, Snakes and Rats are animals commonly found in the villages. To the Chinese Folks of North-Eastern China, these animals are able to tranformed into magical creatures (妖精 - demons) by absorbing the essence of sun and moon and also the Qi-energy of humans. Some have the ability to become immortals if self-cultivate towards the proper/right path. They are often in contact with human beings in the villages and the wild, therefore North-Eastern Chinese respectfully honoured them as "The Family Of 5 Animal Immortals" (五大仙家).
The North-Eastern Chinese believe if these animals are offended and being harmed or killed, they will use their magical power to seek revenge to cause calamity, disaster, and personal misfortune as punishment. If these animal spirits were respected and worshiped by the human folks, they will bring blissful living, protection and good-luck to the human folks.
Normally, North-Eastern Chinese will worship 5 Animal Immortals by setting an altar at home, or next to the ancestors' tablets in the house, or at the corner of the courtyard.
Out of the 5 animal immortals, the 3 most respected ones are:
Fox Immortals, revered as "3rd Uncle Hu"( 胡三太爺)
Weasel Immortals, revered as "2nd Uncle Yellow"(黄二大爺)
Hedgehog Immortals, revered as "Granny White" (白老太太)
Hu Immortals (Fox) - 胡仙 (狐狸)
There is a popular belief among the Chinese that Foxes have spiritual power to bewitch and cause trouble, and may also become celestial beings or immortals.
Fox spirits are proficient in sorcery magic, able to repay goodness, or seek revenge. They are able to have love affairs with human folks, and poke fun at humans.
Fox Immortals are able to treat and cure sickness on human folks. During Spirit Medium consultation among the North-Eastern Chinese, spirit mediums invite fox spirits to possess their bodies to provide consultation to the public.
Since 5000 years ago, Chinese viewed foxes as auspicious animals and worshiped them. There was an ancient legend stated that from the beginning of Xia Dynasty (21st - 16th century BC), Yu the Great (大禹) encountered a white nine-tailed fox, which he interpreted as an auspicious sign that he would marry Nü-Jiao (女娇).
Weasels are being worshiped due to their beautiful postures and crafty disposition, which give people a sense of mystery. Another important reason why the Chinese Folks worshiped them is because they are known to have the magical power to manipulate the human's psychic, which shows similarity to a kind of mental illness, known as "Hysteria".
Folks believe that once Weasel Spirit possess the body of a person, the person will become "Hysteric". This symptom often appears among the females and people suffering from mental depression. While being spiritually attacked by Weasel Spirit, the person will weep and cry and speaks about mysterious matters or issues of resentment. Some cases have shown the victims were singing in poetic verses.
Victims will not recognize their own family members and friends as well. Victims are seen to have small bubble-like tiny balls bouncing under the skins. If the tiny balls are being pricked by needle, the weasel spirit will be destroyed and the patient will be recovered.
There is a peculiar phenomenon, if there is a presence of a doctor, wizard / sorcerer or a person who has beaten a weasel, who cough outside the door, the victim will recover immediately, and behave like a normal human being. Even though, victim may not suffer a sequela, but it is difficult for a complete recovery, and often suffer a relapsed.
White Immortals (Hedgehogs) - 白仙(刺猬)
Folks regards Hedgehogs immortals as animal spirits that bring wealth-luck, and provide protection from illness. People believe that "Granny White" (白老太太) is the divine spirit of a Hedgehog. Granny White has the ability to cure sickness and proficient in magical sorcery skills.
Willow Immortals (Snakes) - 柳仙(蛇)
Ancient Chinese have been worshiping snakes since remote antiquity. Fu-Xi (伏羲) and Nu-Wa (女媧) are 2 good examples of human heads with snake bodies. Snakes are often known as the reincarnation of dragons. Snakes have peculiar body structures, able to hibernate, hide, shed skins, transform. Their movements are deceitful and agile. Their spiritual power are more powerful than the fox spirits, and able to transform to humans. They have the magical ability to capture images thousand miles away in their mind. There is an ancient Chinese novel , Lady White Snake (白蛇傳) which is about a kind-hearted snake spirit. There is a cultural dance in Tian-Jin, which often portrays 2 snake immortals holding swords. They are the White Snake Immortal and Green Snake Immortal.
Grey / Ash Immortals (Rat) - 灰仙(老鼠)
Rats / Mouses are being worshiped, due to their high intelligence. They are able to move freely at night, and in darkness. People find them elusive and crafty. Some folks even regard them as God of Storehouse. During barn-filling festival, village folks will worship the Rat Immortals.
Rats have the precognition of the future, able to practice divination, and bring wealth to the human folks, therefore also worshiped as wealth god, wishing to transport wealth to the house during darkness.
Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (张公圣君), was a real historical figure, born on 23rd day of the 7th Lunar month of 1139 AD as Zhang Ci Guan (张慈观) in Yong Fu (永福)- present day known as Yong Tai County (永泰县), Song Kou Town (嵩口镇), Yue Zhou Village (月洲村) in Fujian (福建), China.
Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (张公圣君) is also known as :
Jian Lei Yu Si (监雷御史)
Wu Lei Fa Zhu (五雷法主)
Dang Mo Jiang Jun (荡魔将军)
Zhang Zhen Jun (张圣君)
Zhang Sheng Gong (张圣公)
Zhang Sheng Zhe (张圣者)
Fa Zhu Gong (法主公)
Zhang Ci Guan (张慈观) - Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (张公圣君) - Black Face, had 2 sworn brothers:
1) Xiao Min (肖明) - Taoist name of Lang Rui (朗瑞) - Xiao Gong Sheng Jun (肖公聖君) - Green Face
2) Zhang Ming (章敏) - Taoist name of Lang Qing (朗庆) - Hong Gong Sheng Jun (洪公聖君) - Red Face
Prove of his existence were recorded in Historical Texts, such as:
Zhang Ci Guan's father, was a court official, named Zhang De Ren (张德仁), and his another name was Chun Hou (淳厚), and courtesy name was Ju Shi (居仕). His mother name was Guo Ming Shi Niang (郭氏十娘).
On the day of Ci Guan's birth, the sky shines brilliantly in five color, and air filled with flowery fragrance.
One day, his father (De Ren) was traveling in a remote mountain path and was confronted by a demon. At the critical moment, a child spirit appear and chased the demon away, thus saving De Ren. De Ren was so grateful but didn't realized that the child spirit was non other than his son (Ci Guan).
1142 AD - Age 3
At that time, his father (De Ren) was very sick, in fact bedridden. Ci Guan stayed by his side all day long, preparing and brewing herbal medicines continuously. His loving care touches his father. Unfortunately, his father soon passed away. Ci Guan mourned for three years.
1143 AD - Age 5
After his father demise, due to his family poverty, Ci Guan worked in his auntie' farm planting vegetables for his daily meals. He toiled in the farm for several years. Ci Guan stayed with his auntie and his brother nephew. Auntie laboured in the field together with his nephew. Although they were very poor and life was tough, but they lived happily together.
Due to their poverty, Ci Guan's mother remarried and handed Ci Guan to the care of a distant relative. Ci Guan was accepted by Taoist Master Zhou Zuo (周佐道長) and learned martial art at night, while working in the day.
Ci Guan worked in the village of Ping Jiao Yang (平角洋) in Yong Tai. One day, he ventured into a mountain in search of wood. In the depth of the forest, he saw two Sages/Immortals, with similar appearance and dressed in Taoist high priest robes playing chess. Beside the chess board there was a half red half green big peach. Ci Guan approaches and observes the game with interest. The Sage offer the peach to Ci Guan. After eating half of the peach, Ci Guan quietly discard the balance half peach as it don't taste good. On seeing this, one of the Sages immediately told Ci Guan to leave.
Ci Guan then left for home, carrying the day-collected wood. On the way, he rested at a pavilion. Nearby, there was a temple, Geng Yi Ting and there lived a famous Taoist High priest by the name of Master Fang Long Shu.
Ci Guan consulted this Master and related the day event. Master Fang Long Shu then explained that these two Sages/Immortals are non other than Tai Shang Lao Jun and Yuan Shi Tian Cun. And the half red half green peach was a three thousand years heavenly peach! If you (Ci Guan) had completely eaten the whole peach he would have gained deityhood and able to ride the cloud (that is, travel/fly on a cloud). However, since he only eat half the peach, you (Ci Guan) would have to cultivate and practice longer and do more good deeds in saving human sufferings and terminating devils and demons.
Ci Guan then asked the Master how could he meet these two Immortals again.
Ci Guan then begged the Master: I wish to go back to these two Sages/Immortals. Can you please assist me?
The Master said: Tai Shang Lao Cun already ascended to heaven. Yuan Shi Tian Cun resides in the Purple cloud pavilion also in heaven. You're still a human and can't ride the cloud. So how can you find them?
However, the Master advised. On the 16th day of the 8th lunar Month, you and your two brothers (Xiao Ming) of Xian You and Zhang Min (of Jiu Du), must go to Yang Jiao Zhou, Fuzhou and wait there. When you saw a boat in the middle of the river, the three of you can ride this magic boat which will take you to Lǘ shan (闾山) to learn and practice Taoist skills and martial arts and cultivates. After which, you three will achieve deityhood and will reach a high level.
Ci Guan immediately set-off as instructed and headed towards Lǘ Shan (闾山), where he learned many mantras and scriptures and advanced in this Taoist skills.
On the 49th day, he mastered all the 36 Heavenly Stars Formation, 72 Earthly Stems combination and divination methods and many Taoist skills.
In their spare time, Ci Guan will chop wood to keep fit. Zhang Min plotted the land and planted rice. Xiao Ming pounded and grinded herbs into powder to make medicines as per Master Zhou Zou.
After 4 years of intensive training and practises, Ci Guan is now so strong and fit that he can lift a 500 lbs stone and leaps very high.
One day, suddenly the weather changed drastically. The sky darkened and strong wind blows. The three brothers decided to leave the mountain to investigate. On the way, the whole forest suddenly gone up in flames, the river boiled and rose violently. In the mist of all this sudden violent happenings, a huge python appeared in the distant. A crow-faced deity that was causing all this disturbances.
The three brother concentrate and focus on this thing. Then they realized that it's the coming of the Heavenly Master.
The Heavenly Master instructed: Ci Guan, you must go help capture the devilish demon. Zhang Min, Xiao Ming, you two have other assignments. Thus the three brothers departed on their separate way.
Ci Guan requested for a protective treasure. The Heavenly Master advised: Your wood cutting tools are your protective treasures. It will protect you against any evil spirits. Ci Guan bowed, thanks the Heavenly Master and took leave, hastily returning to the chaotic and troubled human world.
On the way, Ci Guan reached a mystic island where he saw two hemp ropes on the path. The two hemp rope suddenly turned into two long snakes. One of them quietly stole away. Ci Guan quickly seized it but it quickly coiled rounded his neck. With his magical skill learned from his Heavenly Master, he finally managed to control the snake. Various magical colors radiated in its eyes and it loud breathing sound can be heard from a distant. Suddenly the snake became a precious protective weapon. (This is why there's always a snake coiled rounded one of his hands).
It was soon winter month of 1st lunar month. It snowed heavily thus Ci Guan he couldn't tend to the sheep. He returned home to spent the New Year with his auntie and siblings. On reaching home, he found all the wood used up (as they are very poor). He practiced his martial skills the whole day to kept himself warm.
His body soon became very hot. As there was no wood in the house for cooking, Ci Guan put his feet into the stove to boil some water. At that moment, his auntie was awaken by the noise and was shocked to see Ci Guan using only his feet to boil water! On realising this, Ci Guan immediately jumped out of the window and ran away.
This news spreaded fast and soon all the villagers regards Ci Guan as an Immortal.
After leaving his auntie's house, Ci Guan wandered aimlessly, travelling from village to village and often spent the cold nights at discarded temples. He could go for days without food. He managed to survive only because he had a physical strong and fit body, thanks to his master's training in martial arts.
After leaving his auntie's house, Ci Guan travelled from village to village and arrived at Bai Ma Bo, Xian You, and worked in the Liu household. As he didn't know the local dialect, he faces many communication problem. Fortunately, at the same time, Xiao Ming [萧明] (then 11 year of age) was also staying with his auntie in the same village. Soon they became very good friend and decided to be sworn brothers. Both worked very hard during the day and practices martial skills at night.
Ci Guan left Yong Fu (永福) and traveled the mountainous land. He reached a famous ancient temple known as Bai Yun Si (白云寺/White Cloud temple) in Yong Tai, a famous Taoist retreat. There, he was accept as a student by the High Priest Gong Long Zu (龚龙注). He again worked during the day and study the various Taoist sacred scripts (in the temple library) at night. He also practiced his martial arts and magical skill too. His skills thus advanced to another higher level.
It was 7th Lunar Month, he again left and travelled from Yong tai to Xian You, thorough the mountainous terrances. He passed through an infamous stockade. The muddy path (its only road) was dangerous, windy and long. Its more that 10 li. He noticed that all the people that travelled this path does it at a high risk. Ci Guan decided to mend/repair the long and dangerous muddy path (road). In one night work, he smashed and levelled this long and windy muddy path (which is at least 3,400 steps long)! Ci Guan left the place immediately after completing the job. His feat was noted by the locals and the legend of "an Immortal repair path" was born.
Ci Guan again found a job in the village of Yong tai.
In February, Taoist Master Zhou of Mount Lǚ came to visit him and taught him various advanced talisman skills and Taoist skills.
In 3rd Lunar Month, Ci Guan helped the people of Wu Tong (梧桐) village planted paddy. The village women folk provided daily meals. They cooked mud loach with red wine to serve with the cooked rice. Ci Guan decided to save the mud loach. He used his chopstick to pick the mud loach one by one and placed them in the drain and chanted a life-giving/reactivation spell. Slowly but surely, the cooked mud loach came to life and swimming again in the drain. This created a new species of red colored mud loach in Yongtai. This is the legend of the famous red colored pond loach of Yongtai. This special type of pond loach still carry a distinguished marks at its midpoint (the place where Ci Guan used his chopstick to pick them up!
Ci Guan still worked in Yong Tai. It was a very hot summer. The whole region was dried and earth cracked. There was much suffering and salvation due to the drought. In order to save the whole village, he decided to dig a canal to bring water. He borrowed a buffalo and an iron plow from a nearby village. He started in the early hour and travelled to the nearest waterway and begins digging the canal. He worked non-stop till the next day noontime. Suddenly he heard a woman shouting : Strange! Strange! There's a man digging a canal! At this moment, the man and the buffalo disappeared, leaving behind only the iron plow. When the villagers arrived at the screen, there's already a canal (with water flowing from the rocky mountain). All the villagers was so happy and grateful when they saw the newly dug canal is flooding all the paddy field with water, thus saving their crops. They realized that this is the work of a kind heart Immortal. They all immediately knelt down and prayed towards heaven to thanks this Immortal. Some villager saw Ci Guan returning the buffalo to its owner. They realized that this is the work of Ci Guan but couldn't find him around.
Ci Guan then travelled to Jin Sa (金沙) and worked for the Yan Household (严家). Once, there was a drought, and weather was hot and dry, Ci Guan used his Taoist magical skills to bring rain and worked tirelessly to repair the dangerous mountain path. Soon, the place was plentiful of water to cultivate the lands. The country folks of Jin Sha, realised that this is the work of an Immorta, they build shrines and a statue of Ci Guan (white face) in appreciation. Ci Guan stayed there for several years.
It was 8th Lunar Month, when Ci Guan returned to Mount Lǚ's Bai Yun Tang (白云堂) where he further improved on this magical skills and arts from the High Priest, Master Gong Long Shu. Master Gong Long Shu taught him a special magical skill, known as Wu Lei Tian Xing fa (Five Thunder Heaven Heart spell). And was also given a very powerful seven-star sword. Ci Guan quickly paid his due respects and leave to do more good deeds ( on a life-saving mission).
He visited his sworn brother Xiao Ming at Xian You. They set off together. Both learned very fast and are very well advanced in their respective skills and arts. On their way, they meet Zhang Ming. The three of them became sworn brothers. At that time, Zhang Ming was 26 of age, Ci Guan 18 of age and Xiao Min 16 of age. The three of them set off to FuZhou village of Yang Jiao Zhou, as instructed by Master Lung Shu (where they were transported by a magical boat to Jiangxi Lǘ Shan (闾山) to further their magical skills.)
At Lǘ Shan (闾山), they meet Taoist Master Zhou Zuo (周佐道长). Xiao Min (肖明) was given a Taoist name of Lang Rui (朗瑞); Zhang Ming's (章敏) Taoist name of Lang Qing (朗庆). The three brothers worked and practiced their skills with great vigor.
At Mount Lǚ, Master Zhou drilled them daily with various skills. The three brothers learn diligently and tiressly. After 49 days, they mastered all the 36 heavenly stars formations, 72 Earthly Branch magical combinations, and various divinations skills as well. Master Zhou also taught them various martial arts. Very quickly five years passed. By now, they are very skillful and their magical skill is of a very highest standard.
Very quickly five years passed. By now, they are very skillful and their magical skill is of a very highest standard. However, Master Zhou still didn't instruct them to leave for any mission. Instead, he ordered Ci Guan to cut wood; Lang Rui to grind powders (for making pills); and Lang Qing to plant paddy; till all three are expert martial arts exponents.
When Master Zhou is satisfied that the three of them have mastered the various skills and arts, he instructed them on a mission to travel the country of Fujian to save the villagers. Ci Guan requested a protective talisman from Master Zhou. Master Zhou departed a special skill known as Feng Huo Lun martial art and a metal walking rod (that weights 7000 jin) . Ci Guan felt that this is too heavy and turned it into a lighter and shorter walking rod.
By now Master Zhou is satisfied that the three brothers had learned all he could teach and asked them to leave Mount Lǚ to put their skills into good use. They are instructed to save all the poor and weak and destroy all devils and demons that come their way.
The three brothers pays their respect to Master Zhou and travel all over Fujian on their mission.
Ci Guan left Bai Yuan temple and reached the seaport of Minjian. In his path, he saw two pieces of jute strings tired together in a coil. It sudden turned into two huge python. One of them quietly snaked away. Ci Guan quickly caught hold of the other (before it escaped) but it coiled round his neck. Ci Guan quickly captured it (with his magical skill) and kept it as his protective weapon/talisman. Ci Guan turned it into a powerful exorcist weapon.
慈观回到白云堂,时已八月,紧记八月十六日上闾山问道,特向龚龙树法师辞行,龙树法师又传授五雷天心法,并送七星剑一把,慈观即拜别登程,先到仙游招呼谊 弟肖明,两人志同道合,决意同行,途经闽清又登访章敏(亦写章真),三人结为兄弟,是年章敏26岁;慈观18岁;肖明16岁,三兄弟遵龙树法师前嘱到福州 羊角洲乘仙槎到江西闾山道教圣地问道学法。
Ci Guan returned to Xian You and stayed with Xiao Ming. They gather herbs and cured many villagers without any charges. Their kindness and good reputation soon spread far and wide. That’s why all over Xian You, people make mud status of their likeness and built shrines in gratitude. Soon there was more than 390 such shrines over all Xian You. In fact, in a village of Bangtou, there are only Zhang Gong Sheng Jun’s shrines and temples with his status. 绍兴三十年庚辰(1160 年),慈观 22 岁,回闽住肖朗瑞家中年余,广施灵药,为民治病,救济众生。
恩德古今传, 所以仙游到处建造宫庙奉祀张公, 多达390多处, 尤其是榜头一带村皆有圣君宫庙, 塑圣君金身, 奉祀香火, 以彰功德。 1162AD Ci - Age 24
He travels far and wide and reached You Xi County (尤溪县). There, he collected alms/donations to build bridges for the conveniences of travelers and the local villagers. Later generations people crafted Zhang Gong’s statues and paid due respect to this unique Immortal.
It was April when Ci Guan and Lang Rui reached Pan Yu Yan mountain in search of herbs.
On their way, they passed the village of Guyang. They were told that there was a demon living in PanYuYan (潘畲岩). All the villagers that goes there were dead (whole body turned purple, a clear sign of poisoning). Now, nobody dare goes there.
Ci Guan and Xiao Ming quickly went in that direction and ventured deep into the mountainous forest of PanYuYan. Suddenly the sky was covered with a blanket of dark cloud. Strong wind blew from all directions. A strange animal, bright golden in color, flew straight towards them. Ci Guan quickly flashes his sword. Lang Rui flashed his stone hoe (his magical protective weapon), both combined their skill to face this strange animal. This strange animal emitted a huge cloud of dark smoke and blew at them. They then realized that this demon is a poisonous demonic centipede. With their combined power and skills, they eventually killed this poisonous demonic centipede. Once again, they have done a great deeds for the villagers.
At a river bank in Yongtai, there was a huge snake monster that pried on maiden doing their laundry at the river side.
When Ci Guan knew this, he quickly went in search of this water snake monster and with his powerful magical skills, easily cut this monsterous snake into half, thus bringing peace to the region again. The blood from this monster caused the river water to turn red, thus the legend of the Red water river of Yongtai.
It was early January. The three brothers saw a old man crying and pledging for justice as his young grand daughter was taken away by force by a bully playboy son of a rich landlord.
The three brothers immediate when to find this playboy family and on arrival, find him in the main hall having a good time drinking wines and womanizing. The playboy was about to tear off this young girl's clothing. Ci Guan shouted at him to stop. When this playboy saw that the three brothers were dressed in poor farmer clothing, ignored them and continued with his act. He (the playboy) then throws one punch at Ci Guan's eyes. Ci Guan avoids the punch and kicked his bottom. Unfortunately, the kick was so strong that it immediately killed this playboy. Lang Rui then set fire and burnt down this evil stockade. They then returned this young girl to the old man. Thence fore, peace returned to the village of Mafeng.
In the same year, Ci Guan and Lang Rui also done a few more good deeds by exterminating more devilish forces and demons.
While on his travel, Ci Guan reached the village of San Xing Zhuang. He learned from the local folks that three evil spirits was causing havoc. These evil spirits liked to catch young maiden and locked them up in their mountain hideout. On knowning this, Ci Guan immediate went in search of these evil spirits.
When Ci Guan found these three evil spirits, a fierce battle soon began. With his magical Taoist power, Ci Guan soon killed these three evil spirits. It turned out that one was a pig spirit demon, one a dog spirit demon and one a bear spirit demon.
Peace returned to this village. Thus Ci Guan done another good deed.
While traveling on his mission, Ci Guan reached the village of Shuang Gui Yan (双桂岩). There he met an old Taoist crying and pledging for help. Ci Guan was told that his grand daughter was captured by a group of bandits.
These infamous bandits robbed and also captured maiden for their pleasure at random. Ci Guan on knowing this immediately went in search of these bandits. He hided on top of a huge cassia tree. In less than two minutes, the notorious bandits appeared. Ci Guan jumped down hoping to caught them unprepared. One fierce bandit immediately throw a dagger at Ci Guan. Ci Guan was swift. He blocked the dagger and make it flying back to from where it came. It struck the bandit’s waist. The evil bandit dropped to the ground and was dead. Ci Guan released three captured maiden and sent them home.
After this fierce battle, Ci Guan asked the old Taoist if he can spend the night in his hut. The old Taoist was still very frightened and kept crying that his son is still captive (in one of the mountain cave) for the last five days. Ci Guan asked the old Taoist to show him the cave. Upon reaching the cave, Ci Guan noticed that the entrance was blocked by a huge rock (weighting at least 500 jin). Ci Guan gathered his magical power and broke the rock in half with his bare hand! Thus freeing this poor little Taoist boy. However, the boy was so weak and closed to dieing. Ci Guan quickly chanted some magical mantra and feed the boy with herbs. The little boy soon recovered consciousness and survived.
When the villager knew about this happenings, they came in number to thanks Ci Guan. 乾道三年丁亥(1167 年),慈观 29 岁。
Now at his prime. He was traveling on his mission and reached the village of Jiao Xi, Shi Gu Yan. Ci Guan noticed a brilliant light coming from the direction of Shi Nui Shan. He immediately realized that there’s an evil force presented. Ci Guan went there to exterminate this evil force. The battle with the Five demons is the most famous of Zhang Gong's feat.
Ci Guan learned from the locals that this day, the demons are taking a young maiden as its bride. In order to save the life of this poor maiden, Ci Guan disguised as the bride and sat on the bride sedan chair and was carried to the demon’s hideout in the mountain cave.
Upon reaching the demon hideout cave, Ci Guan revealed his true identity. Soon a ferocious battle begins. It was so violence that it caused huge sand storms. Rock flew in all directions. This fierce struggle goes on for a long time and as the demons had numerous assistances eventually Ci Guan was locked inside the cave. The demons set fires and burnt Ci Guan for seven days and seven nights till Ci Guan’ face turned black and his hair chared.
Ci Guan was totally exhaused and hungry. He said loudly, I'm not afraid of heat nor smoke. I'm only afraid that you (the demons) throw bun at me! On hearing this, the demons immediately threw buns (through a small openning) at Ci Guan. Ci Guan quickly ate all the buns and now having regained his energy, used a Taoist mantra/spell to called for help.
Soon, Lang Ming (Xiao Gong) arrived. He used his hammer and broke the rock that was blocking the cave entrance. His power was so great that one of the broken rocks flew and hit Ci Guan on his forehead, causing a huge swell.
Lang Ming was so embarrassed that his face turned red! When Lang Rui (Hong Gong) arrived, he saw what happened to Ci Guan and was so angry that his face turned green!
This is why people always depict Zhang Gong's face black with a huge swell on this forehead; Xiao Gong's face green and Zhang (Hong) Gong's face in red!
Ci Guan, Lang Ming and Lang Rui then combined their skills & power and finally subdued these 5 devils. These devils then become the Wu Tong Gui (Five Pass Devils) and kept as their protective assistances.
Ci Guan found the place (Shi Hu Tong) placid with good environment and decided then to stayed at the Shi Hu Tong to cultivate and improve on their skills.
While travelling, Ci Guan arrived at Mount Tai shan. There he met Ma Xian Ma (whom was cultivating and practising Taoist skills).
Ci Guan stayed there for a period, daily practising and sparing martial skills with Ma Xian Ma. Their power was so great that huge stone fly all over like snow flakes!
While on his mission, he reached the village of Nan Men, Xian You .
The villager was planning to build a huge bridge. There was a huge rock sitting on top of another huge rock. All the craftsmen and artisan couldn't remove it, thus the bridge cannot be constructed.
When Ci Guan arrived and was told the story, he immediately went to investigate. After surveying the huge rock, Ci Guan discovered that the other huge rock at the bottom was actually a thousand years cultivated tortorise spirit. Its head was pinned there by the huge rock on top of it! And it body was buried by another huge pile of rocks. Ci Guan used a rod of big bamboo and struck it at the tortoise's head. The tortoise extended its head and intended to bite Ci Guan. Ci Guan was even quicker. He pushes the big bamboo rod into the tortoise's mouth, through its throat and used his magical power to kill it.
Thus the construction of bridge was finally able to be completed.
Later, the villager built a shrine near the bridge to thanks Ci Guan.
1171AD - Age 33
In the of Ming Zhong Ke County (闽中各县), it rained heavily for the pass thirty three days with thunders and lightings flashing non stop. The noise irriated the Jade Emperor and He decreed Lei Gong to stop making further thunder noise. Unfortunately, Lei Gong can't read, thus he asked Zhang Gong (Ci Guan) to read the decree.
Zhang Gong was also taught the thunder making skills before. He used this skill to speak to Lei Gong, saying: Zhang Gong supervises Lei Gong! Zhang Gong then immediately instructed Lei Gong to stop all the noises. Lei Gong hence fore stopped all the chaos. When the Jade Emperor knew this happenings, He then conferred Zhang Gong the title of "The Controller of Thunder".
There was a chaos and upheaval in the Fu Qing County (福清县). A huge red monstrous snake was creating havoc and fears in western Fu Qing. This monster likes to swallow whole pig, cow and goat (all prize assets of the villagers).
When Ci Guan heard of this, he quickly rushed to the place. On arrival, the huge monster snake was creating huge waves (from its movement). It was very nasty and fierce. Ci Guan jumped onto the snake and fights it with his magical skill.
After subduing this monster, he slow sliced off its skin and makes a protective armor out of it. Later the villagers also realized that Ci Guan was also the same person that cured all the villagers of Fu Tian. The villagers hence fore addressed Ci Guan as Zhang En Gong, meaning: kind benefactor.
In Yong Tai, there lived a rich landlord by the name of Zhang Wei Li. He will do anything to get some wealth. He will impose taxes and collect high rental to earn as much as possible from the villagers. He had a special crane shaped stone wall built behind his house as a good Feng Shui measure to accumulated great wealth.
However, one day, a heavy downpour broke the wall of this crane shaped wall. Wei Li felt very uncomfortable about this incident. He was afraid this would cause him to loose all this fortunes. Wei Li invited all the craftsmen in the country to repair this crane shaped wall. However, all attempt to repair failed (as the crane shaped wall will broke off immediately after being repaired). Wei Li felt very worried and invited more craftsmen from afar as well. Just then, Ci Guan was invited.
Ci Guan then said to Wei Li. “I can repair this crane shaped wall on condition that you performance the salvation rituals for 49 continuous days”. Wei Li was forced to agree. On the 48th day, on seeing Ci Guan done nothing yet to the crane shaped wall, demanded: “It’s already the 48th days and yet you have not even start doing a single thing. What is your intention! Ci Guan laughed and replied. “What’s the hurry? When you completed the 49 days rituals, the crane sahpped wall will be repaired to its original condition!” In the last night, Ci Guan uses his magical power and skill and repaired the crane shaped wall to its original state. The next day, when everyone saw what have happened, they then realized this is a work of a powerful Immortal. They search for Ci Guan but couldn’t find him around any more.
Its Autumn and the three brothers returned to Shi Nui Tong for their annual get together, to discuss and study and what they’re learned during the year.
They then decided to go to Mount Lǚ to pay a visit to their Master (and to learn more from him). They cut bamboo to make a draft and carried it to Mingjian River. They used their magical power to cross many rivers and rough seas and finally reached their destination.
However, Master Zhou already knew of their exploits and knowing that they have learned everything from him, decided to leave the place, thus the three brothers couldn’t find him around. The three brothers then kneed on the ground and kowtow three times (as showing respects to their Master), then returned to Fujian.
Later, those people who saw the three brothers on the bamboo draft crossing those rivers and rough seas knew that they were Immortals.
In the town of Anxi (Angui), people were suffering from a strange illness, known as the red-patches disease. No medicines seem to be effective. This epidemic had developed into a very critical stage.
At this time, Ci Guan was on his travelling in Anxi and on knowing this epidemic, quickly started working to cure the sufferings. Ci Guan knew that there's a special herb know as "Tian Shan Xue Lian" which is the only cure. But Tian Shan Xue Lian can only be found in snow covered mountain very far away. Thus Ci Guan used some local herbs to treat this ailment temporarily. Ci Guan then used his magical power and speedily traveled to Tian Shan to obtain this rare herbs know as Tian Shan Xue Lian. After applying this rare herb, all the suffering people were cured soon.
After taking care of the epidemic in Anxi, Ci Guan took some of the Tian Shan Xue Lian's root back to plant it in Shi Nui Shan. Tian Shan Xue Lian can only grow in extreme cold and clean environment. With great care, efforts and magical chantings, soon the Tian Shan Xue Lian started to grow. (This special plant is known to grow only in the snow mountain of Tian Shan). It is now a well known as Nui Shi Lian. It also Ci Guan's special formulated herbs to cure this particular ailment known as red-scare ailment.
Ci Guan's cultivation is now at a new level. He was able to ride cloud (i.e travel on a cloud). He passed the village of Mei Shang Bai Long Tou.
Due to the dry weather and to save the year crops, Ci Guan was up early in the morning. He carries a water bottle make from a dried Hu Lu fruit. Ci Guan hanged this hu lu water bottle on a cassia tree truck. On the bottle he wrote: Hu Lu bottle neck opening is now an spring water source, supplying water endlessly for the paddy fields. The water will be fresh and sweet tasting. Everyone in the village was very pleased.
However, therefs one rascal by the name of Liu San Piao who just wanted to create trouble. He pulled the hu lu from the cassia tree truck and flung it onto the ground. Upon hitting the ground, the hu lu broke and a huge body of rushing water (like a wild running river) rushes out drowning Liu San Piao and flooded his house, flattening it in the process. Strangely, other houses wasn't affected by this sudden flood.
Henceforth, this place was known as Shui Liu Pu, meaning Water Flooding Plains.
Soon it was winter. The village of You xi San was covered with thick snow.
In the hillside hut, a baby boy was born. The owner was very poor and the poor mother was very weak due to under-nourishment. Ci Guan was very sad as he could see that both the mother and child wouldn’t be able to survive this harsh period. When Ci Guan saw the sad stage of this household, he pity them and uses his magic to create a bottle of red wine. He offered the wine and also some nourishing food (specially good for the blood) for the mother as well, thus saving both the mother and child.
While travelling in Nanping, Ci Guan held that the riverport of Di Kou was terrorized by a water ghost. Fishermen would disappeared without any trace.
Ci Guan immediately rushed to the place to investigate. On seeing two water ghost on the shore, he quickly used his magical skill and power to exterminate them, thus bringing peace to the region.
Ci Guan wished to advance his cultivation and requested a meeting with Guan Ying niang niang for advice.
Guan Ying niang niang advised him to continue with his mission as there are still a lot of people that needed his medical cures and much suffering in the mortal realm.
Ci Guan worked tirelessly without any demand for rewards. His philanthropic spirit had the respects and admiration of millions of folks.
The three Immortal brothers stayed at Shi Hu Dong, collecting and brewing herbal medicines for the suffering folks. They worked tirelessly and travelled in all four directions curing and ridding of devils and demons. The folks held them in high esteem and are highly respected wherever they visited.
The three Immortal brothers practised their martial skills daily on top of the Shi Niu Shan (石牛山). Their footprints are still visible at the very top of Shi Niu Shan.
It was August. Ci Guan visited his old pal, Zheng Si Tong. Ci Guan taught him some Taoist magic and chants. Zheng Si Tong was a very fast learner. He urged Ci Guan to spend the autumn with him and to enjoy the Mid-Autumn festival.
After the Mid-Autumn festival, Ci Guan bid farewell to Si Tong. But before leaving, Ci Guan had written a book on Taoist magic art and presented Si Tong as a present. After which, Ci Guan returned to Shi Nui Tong.
It’s June. Ci Guan was traveling in Ming jian preaching the Tao of karma Causes and Effects. He discovered that this mortal world were full of evils and wrong doings. He summaries it with the saying : “There will be recuperation for all evils. There will be rewards for all good deeds.” Ci Guan also preaches the philosophy of Taoism.
Ci Guan also builds a small pavilion near the Jin Sa Bridge () for the conveniences of the travelers. Meanwhile, Ci Guan continued his mission and also spread the teaching of Taoism far and wide, endlessly. Eventually, he returned to Shi Nui Tong for the winter.
The Taoist Snake Whip (法索/淨鞭/法鞭/聖者/金鞭聖者) is a ritual item being used during Taoist Rituals/ Celebrations/ Ceremonies. It is one of the most used ritual items in Lu Shan Sect (閭山派).
Functions of a Taoist Snake Whip:
Getting rid of wandering spirits in the ceremonial area
Deployment of spiritual armies (调营放兵)
Recalling of spiritual soldiers and rewarding (收兵犒賞)
Exorcism rituals (驱邪压煞)
To summon heavenly deities hastily (急召萬神)
To punish disobedient spirits
“Golden Whip Saint” (金鞭聖者)
The spirit of snake whip is honoured as the “Golden Whip Saint” (金鞭聖者)
It is a belief that Taoist Snake Whip is the deified Snake Demon that Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (张公圣君) subdued and became his subordinate.
There are 2 types of Taoist Spirit Mediums for 2 different occasions:
1) Civil Divine Spirit Mediums (文乩) - For the purpose of providing consultation to the public
2) Martial Divine Spirit Mediums (武乩)- To perform super natural power, get rid of evil entities, spiritual cleansing and get rid of bad luck of the whole community / village
The 5 treasured weapons, are typical weapons used during the ceremony / ritual by the Martial Divine Spirit Mediums. The purpose of using these 5 weapons is to pierce the bodies to shed blood out. Shedding of blood is a way to show sincerity and to ward off evil entities. Showing off fresh blood is a visual prove of sincere heart of pilgrimage. Every weapons has the divine power for exorcism.
Seven Stars Sword (七星剑)
Shark Sword (鲨鱼剑)
Crescent Moon Axe (月斧)
Copper Wand / Wolf's Fang Club (铜棍 / 狼牙棒)
Spikes Ball (刺球)
Video Of Martial Divine Spirit Mediums Performing 5 Treasured Weapons Ritual
Most Chinese, and folks around the world, only know about the Monkey God, base on the novel - Journey to the West (西游记), by Wu Cheng En (吴承恩), written in the 16th century, during the Ming dynasty.
Earlier Version of the novel - Journey To The West (西游记)
During the end of Yuan Dynasty and beginning of Ming Dynasty Period, there was already a playscript, by the Mongolian play-writer, Yang Jing-xian (杨景贤), also Titled: "Journey to the West", which contains an autobiographic line by a certain "Itinerant Monk Sun (Sun Wu Kong [孙悟空] - The Monkey)" (recycled into the much later novel as a common title for Sun Wu Kong).
Itinerant Monk Sun (Sun Wu Kong [孙悟空] - The Monkey) said: "I have five brothers and sisters. Big sister is the Old Lady of Mount Li (驪山老母 - Li Shan Lao Mu); little sister is the Wu-Zhi-Qi Sage (巫枝祗聖母); elder brother is the Heaven Rivaling Great Sage (齐天大圣 - Qi Tian Da Sheng); I am the Heaven Reaching Great Sage (通天大圣 - Tong Tian Da Sheng); and 3rd youngest brother is Shua Shua San Lang (耍耍三郎)."
In this earlier version of Journey To The West, Monkey Sun Wu Kong said he was (通天大圣 - Tong Tian Da Sheng) , who had a elder brother, known as Qi Tian Da Sheng (齐天大圣).
Origin of Monkey Gods Worship In Fu Zhou , China
People in Fuzhou, China were worshipping Monkey Gods, long before the novel made the character a household name. The two traditional mainstream religions practiced in Fuzhou are Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. Traditionally, many people practice both religions simultaneously. However, the origins of local religion dated back centuries. These diverse religions incorporated elements such as gods and doctrines from other religions and cultures, such as totem worship and traditional legends.
As the most popular religion in the Min River Valley, the worship of Lady Lin Shui (临水夫人) is viewed as one of the three most influential local religions in Fujian, the other two being the worship of Mazu (妈祖) and Bao Sheng Da Di (保生大帝).
Base on records in Lin Shui Sect / Lineage:
There were 3 Monkey Sages (三圣王) of Lin Shui Palace, who were once Monkey Demons, being subdued by Empress Lin Shui Madam Chen Jing Gu (陈靖姑):
Dan Xia Da Sheng (丹霞大圣) - The Red Face Monkey Sage
Tong Tian Da Sheng (通天大圣)- The Black Face Monkey Sage
Shua Shua San Lang (耍耍三郎) / Shuang Shuang San Lang (爽爽三郎) - The White Face Monkey Sage
Monkey God's Original Ancestral Temple
In the 1990s, Qi Tian Fu Temple (齐天府屏山祖殿), located in Ping Shan Mountain (屏山) in Fuzhou, is regarded as the Monkey God's Original Ancestral Temple, with registration of more than 200 offshoot temples , including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.
The 5 Monkey Gods worshipped in Qi Tian Fu Temple of Ping Shan Mountain (齐天府屏山祖殿):
Qi Tian Ta Sheng (齐天大圣) - Sun Da Sheng - 斗战胜佛孙大圣 (孙悟空 - Sun Wu Kong)
Tong Tian Da Sheng - 通天大圣 - 伏魔陀佛黑大圣 黑圣王
Mi Tian Da Sheng - 弥天大圣 - 耍耍三郎 - 啰哩沙佛白大圣
Dan Xia Da Sheng - 恒河沙佛丹霞大圣
Chi Xia Da Shen - 监河圣佛赤霞大圣
Chinese Videos Of The Origin Of Chinese Monkey God(s)-(齐天大圣)
Video Of Taoist Spirit Medium Trancing Qi Tian Ta Sheng (齐天大圣) / Sun Wu Kong(孙悟空) - Folk Taoism
Video Of Indian Taoist Spirit Medium Trancing Chinese Monkey God - Folk Taoism
Are You having difficulty to find someone to love and to get married? Are You parents pestering You to get married, but You can't seem to find a suitable person to fall in love? Do You feel Your age is catching up and still can't find someone to love and get married?
After reading this article, Your will realise Your chance of falling in love and getting married can come through finally. 1st, lets get to know an Old Man...
The tale of "The Old Man Under The Moon" (月下老人) originated from a story in The Sequel to the Collection of Mysteries - Inn Of Marriage Engagement (续玄怪录·定婚店), a book of mythology from the Tang Dynasty, by Li Fu Yan (李复言).
The story was told that during Tang Dynasty, 2nd year of Yuan He's Era (807 A.D), there was a young scholar, named Wei Gu (韦固), who one day decided to visit his friend in Qing He (清河).
Once he was passing the Song City (宋城), where he saw an old man leaning on his pack reading a book in the moonlight. Being amazed at it, Wei Gu walked up and asked what he was doing. The old man answered, "I am reading a book of marriage listing for who is going to marry whom. In my pack are red cords for tying the feet of husband and wife." When Wei Gu and the old man came together to a marketplace, they saw a blind old woman carrying a three-year-old little girl in her arms. The old man said to Wei Gu," This little girl will be your wife in the future." Wei Gu thought this was too strange to believe and he ordered his servant to stab the girl with his knife.
Fourteen years later, Wang Tai (王泰), the governor of Xiang Zhou (相州), gave Wei Gu his daughter in marriage. He was having difficulty finding a suitable match of higher standing for his daughter even though she was a beautiful young woman because she had difficulty walking and had a large scar on the small of her back. When Wei Gu asked what had happened, he was told that she had been stabbed by a man in the marketplace fourteen years before.
After ten years and three children later, Wei Gu sought the old man for suitable matches for his two younger sons and daughter. The old man refused to find suitors for his children. During the later years Wei Gu sought to find a possible match for his children but by coincidence, no marriage was put to order.
Praying To Yue Lao Since Then
Since Tang Dynasty, due to this popular story of "The Old Man Under The Moon" (月下老人), Yue Lao’s reputation spread far and wide. Chinese built temples for Yue Lao and prayed in front of his statue for good marriages. Gradually, Yue Lao became a graceful synonym for matchmaker, who played a very important role in ancient arranged marriages.
The Meaning Behind The Story
The fate of marriage of 2 persons, doesn't depend on the family status. As long as You have fate, no matter You are high class or low class, or rich or poor, stupid or smart, or pretty or handsome, even when there is different in social status between the man and the woman, huge different in age, or even if there is enmity between 2 families, it doesn't matter. Even if the 2 couple are ocean apart, it doesn't matter. As long as You are fated with that person, You will have a happy marriage.
Yue Lao Ritual
If You are a Chinese who can find a Yue Lao Temple to pray and know how to pray correctly, You may do it yourself.
If You are a Western Folk, or Chinese Folk staying in Western Country or Your area has no Yue Lao Temple, or any person who needs to improve the marriage luck, or hope to marry a particular someone, but has no way, or no idea how to pray to Yue Lao, there is a Yue Lao Praying Ritual available by Taoist Sorcery Master. Your Personal Particulars are needed for creating Talismans and the Ritual, to inform Yue Lao to help You achieve Your Marriage Dream Come True.
Yue Lao will help You find a suitable life partner whom You will love, and who will love You dearly, and tie the knot for a ever lasting happy marriage.
Important Note: There are several different types of talismans and rituals for different Love and Marriage Situation. Each individual is unique in his / her love problem. Yue Lao Love Ritual is just one of the several types of love rituals available. Kindly send an email and discuss Your issue, to pick the most suitable love ritual to work on Your love issue.
Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝) is one of the most popular Chinese God, being honoured and worshipped worldwide from Northern to Southern China, Taiwan, and Chinese Communities in South East Asia - Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. In South East Asia, he is revered as Shang Di Gong (上帝公). He ranks among the highest Gods, next to Yu Huang Da Di (玉皇大帝), The Yellow Jade Emperor (Ruler of All Heavens).
The antonym of Xuan Tian Shang Di(玄天上帝) is Zhen Wu Da Di (真武大帝) - The Great Perfect Warrior Emperor. He is also called Xuan Wu Shen (玄武神) - The Mysterious Warrior God.
According to the Supreme Venerable Sovereign's Sublime Book of Divine Incantations Telling the Story of the Great Sage and Perfect Warrior of the Mysterious Northern Heaven ( 《太上說玄天大聖真武本傳神咒妙經》 Taishang Shuo Xuantian Dasheng Zhenwu Benzhuan Shenzhou Miaojing ), he was the 82nd avatar of the Supreme Venerable Sovereign ( 太上老君 Tai Shang Lao Jun ).
As a son of the King of Pure Bliss ( 淨樂國王 Jing Le Guo Wang ) and of the Queen of Virtuous Victory ( 善勝皇后 Shan Sheng Huang Hou ), he was born in the Heavenly Palace of Non-Desire in the All-Embracing Realm. The queen dreamed that she had swallowed the sun, and was found pregnant after awaking. She gave birth to a baby after 14 months pregnancy.
Grown up, the prince left his home and his parents to cultivate Dao on Mt Wudang, and attained immortality after 42 years. He ascended to Heaven in full daylight. He was given the title 'Supreme Mystery" and ordered to guard the north by the Jade Emperor ( 玉帝 Yudi ). The Mysterious Warrior" was originally the collective name of the northern seven of the 28 constellations.
In the section 'Distant Excursion" of the Elogies of the Chu ( 楚辭 Chuci ), Qu Yuan sings "to invoke the Mysterious Warrior and fly towards it". The Mysterious Warrior constellation is shaped like a tortoise and a snake, so the commentary says: "The Mysterious Warrior is the tortoise-and-snake. It is called mysterious (dark) because its position is to the north; it is called warrior because it has scales and an armament on its body."
In the Kai-Bao Era (开宝) (968–976) of the Northern Song dynasty, the Mysterious Warrior Spirit descended on Zhongnan Mountain. In the seventh year of the Dazhong Xiangfu Era of Emperor Zhen (AD 1014), he was given the title 'Perfect Sovereign Who Aids the Sagely and Protects the Virtuous" ( 翊聖保德真君 Yisheng Baode Zhenjun ). Afterwards, the name 'Mysterious Warrior' was changed to 'Perfect Warrior' ( 真武 Zhenwu ), to avoid using the the character 'Xuan' (mysterious, dark) which appeared in the name of the royal ancestor, Zhao Xuanlang. Emperors Zhen, Hui and Qin of Song dynasties all honoured him with titles.
In the seventh year of the Da-De (大德) 1297–1307 of the Yuan Dynasty (AD 1303), he was honoured as 'Original, Holy, Kind and August Holy Emperor of the Mysterious Northern Heaven" ( 元聖仁威玄天上帝 Yuansheng Renwei Xuantian Shangdi ). Emperor Cheng of the Ming dynasty worshiped the Perfect Warrior, and so Perfect Warrior Temples were built in the imperial offices at all levels such as agencies, bureaus, ministries, and the treasury. In the tenth year of the Yongle Era, Marquis Zhangxin was ordered to build a complex of temples on Mt. Wudang with 200,000 soldiers, and promoted the worship of the Great Perfect Warrior Emperor to the highest peak.
The Big Dipper Who Decrees Death (北斗注死)
'Mysterious Warrior" is the general name of the seven northern constellations, among which is the Dipper constellation. Daoism, saying that "the Southern Dipper decrees life and the Northern decrees death", attaches much importance to the worship of the Dipper stars. From entering the womb, a man's destiny is transferred from the Southern Dipper to the Northern Dipper. Therefore, he who prays for longevity must worship the Great Perfect Warrior Emperor. Essence of Water
The Sage Protecting Mantra 《佑聖咒》 - You Sheng Zhou, calls the Perfect Warrior the "essence of water who is the transformation of Supreme Yin. It corresponds to the Xuwei Constellation and is shaped like a combination of a tortoise and a snake. Omnipresent in all directions, its power frightens all the spirits." Belonging to water, the Perfect Warrior can administer the rivers and fire, and thus eliminate relevant disasters. This is the reason why many Perfect Warrior Temples were built in the palaces of the Ming Dynasty.
Worship in Temples
The 3rd day of the 3rd month of the lunar calendar is the divine birthday of the Perfect warrior. On that day, birthday celebration ritual offerings are held in all places, among which the worship on Mt Wudang is the most flourishing.
Taoist Exorcism By Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝)
Legend as a repented butcher
Upon the fall of Zheng Cheng Gong’s regime, the Qing Dynasty from Manchu came into power, discrediting Shang Di Gong (上帝公) by claiming that He was actually a repented butcher. The political aim was to morally wipe out the remaining followers of the Ming Dynasty by exploiting tales from the Buddha’s teaching about a repented butcher who cut opened his stomach, removed its content, and then became the Buddha’s follower..
Here goes the story:
Xuan Wu was originally a butcher who had killed many animals. As days passed, he felt remorse for his sins and repented immediately by giving up butchery and retired to a remote mountain for cultivation of the Tao.
“放下屠刀,立地成佛” - A killer becomes a Buddha at the moment he drops the kinfe.
One day, while he was assisting a woman in labor, while cleaning the woman’s blood stained clothes along a river, the words "Xuan Tian Shang Di" appeared before him. The woman in labor turned out to be a manifestation of the Goddess Guan Yin. To redeem his sins, he dug out his own stomach and intestines and washed it in the river. The river turned into a dark, murky water. After a while, it turned into pure water.
Unfortunately, Xuan Wu did indeed lose his own stomach and intestines while he washing them in the river. The Jade Emperor was moved by his sincerity and determination to clear his sins; hence he became an Immortal known with the title of Xuan Tian Shang Ti.
After he became an immortal, his stomach and intestines after absorbing the essences of the earth, it was transformed into a demonic turtle and snake which harmed people and no one could subdue them. Eventually Xuan Wu returned to earth to subdue them and later uses them as his means for transportation.
Due to this story, Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝) became the patron saint of butchery.