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“Connect & Communicate With Ghosts” Talismans

Have You ever seen or know any Spiritual Masters, who can communicate with ghosts, without even needing to open his mouth to talk to them? He can simply hear / sense / feel / listen to the ghosts/ spirits surrounding him and use his mind power to send and receive thoughts from them.


You  might be one of the lucky (or unlucky) few who has the natural  ability to see ghosts / spirits , or Your Eyes  are already "Open" to see  ghosts ( Yin Yang Eyes) but You have trouble communicating with them. If You have been seeing ghosts right in front of You, but You can't hear what the ghosts are trying to tell You because You cannot hear them, and also cannot receive their thoughts, then these talismans are what You need.

“Connect & Communicate With Ghosts" Talismans are mainly used by Taoist Sorcery Practitioners/ Masters to connect & communicate with the Taoist Sorcery Ghosts Kids(鬼仔 - Gui Kia) that they keep.

Talismans are to be burnt into ash and put into a cup of water and drink up. At least 7 pieces of the same talismans are needed to complete the "Able To Connect & Communicate With Ghosts" Ritual.
The best is to complete 49 pieces.

When You finally able to achieve the ability to "Connect and Communicate with ghosts", You don't need to drink anymore “Connect & Communicate With Ghosts" Talismans. Your new found ability will stick with You forever.

Connection & Communication with ghosts / spirits / spiritual entities will be done directly through heart , mind, feeling , without needing to open Your mouth. If the ghosts speak to You, You can hear them speaking into your ears, or receive their thoughts into Your mind.  When You want to tell or say something to the ghosts , You just use your mind-power to think and they will understand You, without opening Your mouth.

Once You gain this super-natural ability, You can connect & communicate with other types of spiritual entities, such as wandering spirits on the streets, natural spirits in the nature, and even Your love ones who have pass-on etc. You can sense them, feel how they are feeling and listen to them and communicate with them through Your heart, mind & soul.

“Connect & Communicate With Ghosts" Talismans are most suitable for folks who are: 
  • Practicing any kind of Spiritual Magick Skills but has no luck in contacting / sensing any presence of ghosts / spirits.
  • Can see ghosts / spirits but unable to communicate with them (cannot hear / cannot receive thoughts from the ghosts).
  • Keep Kumantongs  ( Thailand /Cambodia Ghost Kids) , Toyols (Malay / Indonesia Ghost Kids) but can't feel their presence and cannot hear , cannot communicate with them.
  • Wish to sense / feel / communicate with  Your love ones who have pass-on but trying to call out to You.
  • Wish to be able to sense / feel / communicate with the wandering ghosts on the street / natural spirits in nature.
Related Talismans: "Yin Yang Eyes" Talismans - Ability To See Ghosts
If You cannot see ghosts / spirits either, You need "Yin Yang Eyes" Talismans as well.

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Flying Head Ghosts - Since Ancient China

Often times, when people think or discuss about "Flying Head Ghosts / Monsters", they will think that such ghosts / monsters only appear, or myths only found in South East Asia, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand.

Actually, few thousands years ago, Flying Head Ghosts/Monsters were already recorded in several Ancient Chinese Literature.

In the book of 'Sou Shen Ji' (搜神記) - In Search of the Supernatural, written in 4th century...

"During the Qin Dynasty, there was a tribe of people from the South, known as "Drop-Head" People (落头民 - Luo Tou Ming). They hold a kind of ritual ceremony known as Chong-Luo (虫落) - Bugs/Worms Dropping, and as such took that as its name - Chong Luo Min (虫落民).

During the Three Kingdoms period, an Eastern Wu general, Zhu Huan (朱桓), employed a female maid from Southern Part of China. Every night after she went to bed, her head would separate from her body and flew away. Sometimes it would get in and out of the building via the dog shelter, sometimes through the window, using her ears as wings. It would arrive back just before dawn.

After few nights of the same incidences, the servants who slept near her grew suspicious. One night they brought a lamp into the room and saw only a body, with no head. The body was slightly cold and its breathing faint. The other servants covered it with a blanket and waited.

As dawn approached the head came back, but with the blanket caught in the way it could not joint back her body. It hit the ground a few times, groaning and grinding its teeth and looking most unhappy. Her breathing grew ragged and she looked very close to death. So they pulled away the blanket, whereupon the head leap up again and reattached itself to the neck. Then all was calm again.

General Zhu Huan found all this quite uncanny. It unnerved him so much that he sent her away. It wasn't until later, when he investigated the matter further, that he learned that it was just her natural ability.

Other generals who went far to the south often captured Drop-Heads. One covered the neck of a Drop-Head with a bronze plate, preventing the head from joining back to the body and thus killing it."

晋·干宝《搜神记》 - 秦时,南方有“落头民”,其头能飞。其种人部有祭祀,号曰“虫落” 故因取名焉,吴时,将军朱桓,得一婢,每夜卧后,头辄飞去。或从狗窦,或从天窗中出入,以耳为翼,将晓,复还。数数如此,傍人怪之,夜中照视,唯有身无头,其体微冷,气息裁属。乃蒙之以被。至晓,头还,碍被不得安,两三度,堕地。噫咤甚愁,体气甚急,状若将死。乃去被,头复起,傅颈。有顷,和平。桓以为大怪,畏不敢畜,乃放遣之。既而详之,乃知天性也。时南征大将,亦往往得之。又尝有覆以铜盘者,头不得进:遂死。

In the records of Tai Ping Guang Ji (太平广记) - Extensive Records of the Taiping Era, a collection of stories compiled in the early Song dynasty...

At the East of Ye-Shan (邺鄯), South-West of Dragon City, there is wide land of thousand miles, covered with saline (salt) soil. People would pass by here to take a rest and their cows and horses need to rest on carpets. At the southern side of the mountain streams, often there are people with heads that can fly, therefore they are called "Flying Head" Babarians - (飞头獠子 - Fei Tou Liao Zi).

There was one person, one day before the flight of his head, there would be scar mark around his neck, like a piece of red tread. His wife and children would look after him. At night, the person seem as if he was sick and then suddenly his head would separate from his neck and flew away. His head landed on the sand of the riverbank in search of crabs and worms to eat. Before dawn, his head would fly back to join back his body. He felt as if just woke up from a dream and his stomach was feeling full from his early meal.

A monk had also said that over at 'She Po Guo' (阇婆国) (Indonesian Country - Java & Sumatra), there are people that heads can fly. These people have eyes without pupils. One flying-head happened to drop on the ground and the weird incidence was being recorded by a person.


In the book 'You Yang Za Zu' (酉阳杂俎) - Miscellaneous Morsels from You-Yang, written in the 9th century...

"During Han-Wu period, there was a southerner from Yin Chi Guo (因墀国) that his head could fly to the southern sea, left hand fly to eastern sea, right hand fly to western sea. Come evening, his head returned back but his hands got caught up with strong winds and gone with the wind."

《酉阳杂俎》 - 汉武时,因墀国有南方有解形之民,能先使头飞南海,左手飞东海,右手飞西海,至暮,头还肩上,两手遇疾风,飘于海外。

In the book Bo Wu Zhi (博物志) - "Records of Diverse Matters"...

"At the Southern side, there are "Drop-Head" people whose heads can fly with ears as wings. Before dawn, heads will return. During Eastern Wu Period (Eastern Wu / Sun Wu) (Year 222–280), always happen to see such people.

《博物志》- 南方有落头民,其头能飞,以耳为翼,将晓,还复著体。吴时往往得此人也。

"Flying Head" Ghosts in different parts of the world..

China - Fei Tou Man / Fei Tou Liao (飞头蛮 / 飞头獠)
Japan - NuKeKuBi (抜け首 ぬけくび)(Head can seperate and fly)
Japan - Rokurokubi (ろくろ首, 轆轤首) (Neck can stretch very long but cannot separate)
South America - Chon Chon (Ears as wings to fly)
Malaysia - Hantu Penanggal / Penanggalan / Polong
Sabah - Balan-balan
Philippine - Manananggal
Indonesia - Leak, Palasik, Selaq Metem, Kuyang, Anton, Poppo, and Parakang
Bali - Leyak
Dayak people of Kalimantan - Kuyang
Minangkabau people - Palasik or Pelesit
Thailand - Krasue (กระสือ)
Laos - Kasu or Phi-Kasu (ກະສື)
Cambodia - Ap / Ahp (អាប)
Vietnam - Ma Lai

Video of Flying-Head Ghost caught by Bomohs in Malaysia

Ghosts Turning The Table - Chinese Sorcery Version

Ghosts Turning The Table is a Chinese Sorcery Magic Show usually performed during Religious Festivals or played during social gathering in Chinese Villages.

"Ghosts Turning The Table" Show is still very common in Taiwan Villages but it has almost died out in China. It was once very common in olden days China Villages.

Ghosts Turning Table is also known as:
  • Eight Immortals Turning Table - 八仙转桌
  • Four Kids Turning Table - 四童转桌
  • Nine Cows Turning Table - 九牛转桌 / 九牛造
Talismans used during 
"Ghosts Turning The Table" Performance

"Ghosts Turning Table" Spell:

Main Talisman is burned into a bowl filled with water. The other 4 talismans are pasted onto the 4 legs of a square table. The square table is overturned and placed on top of the bowl. 4 persons with their fingers lightly touch and balance the table. Taoist Master / Sorcerer chanted the "Ghosts Turn The Table" Spell. Within minutes, table starts to turn. When Taoist Master say change direction, the direction changes. If say turn faster, the table turn faster and the 4 persons balancing the table have to run to catch up with the speed.

"Table-Turning" - Western Version

In Western Countries, there is a similar but slightly different type of performance called "Table-Turning". It is also known as table-tapping, table-tipping or table-tilting. It is a type of séance in which participants sit around a table, place their hands on it, do prayer / chanting and wait for rotations. The table was purportedly made to serve as a means of communicating with the spirits.

When the movement of Modern Spiritualism first reached Europe from America in the winter of 1852–1853, the most popular method of consulting the spirits was for several persons to sit round a table, with their hands resting on it, and wait for the table to move. If the experiment was successful the table would rotate with considerable rapidity, and would occasionally rise in the air, or perform other movements.

Spirit Guide or Ideomotor Effect? Who Cares...

Seeking Lottery Numbers ( Pick 3 / Pick 4/ 4D / Toto / Lotto/ Bingo) with Pendulum Dowsing... Is it Fake or Real? By Ghost or movement from your own hands?

Skeptics will immediately condemn movement from all kinds of divination tools  are fake. Examples of divination tools are Pendulum Dowsing, Ouija Board, Table Turning /Tilting/Tipping, Automatic writing, Dowsing rods etc. They think all the movement are secretly created by the performers.

If You ever tried out pendulum dowsing before, and it indeed moves by itself, You might also ponder whether the movement was supported by a spirit / ghost / deity, or due to the movement by your own unconscious muscular action - The Ideomotor Effect.

The term Ideomotor was first used in a scientific paper discussing the means through which these spiritualistic phenomena produced effect, by William Benjamin Carpenter in 1852, hence the alternative term Carpenter effect. (Carpenter derived the word ideomotor from the components ideo, meaning "idea" or "mental representation", and motor, meaning "muscular action"). The terms "ideomotor effect" and "ideomotor response" were both introduced by William Benjamin Carpenter. In the paper, Carpenter explained his theory that muscular movement can be independent of conscious desires or emotions.

There are 4 types of people:
  1. Folks who condemn all kinds of movement from divination tools are fake - conscious movement created by the performers, just to cheat / lie / bluff the audiences.
  2. Folks who believe  all kinds of movement from divination tools are created from own unconscious muscular action - The Ideomotor Effect, therefore readings / outcomes are randoms.
  3. Folks who believe that all kinds of movement from divination tools are the work of spiritual entities.
  4. Folks who believe movement from divination tools are  coming from personal psychic ability.
Now, the question is..

Is it so important to find out the truth whether the movement of Pendulum Dowsing Method, or any form of spiritual communication is really the work of the ghosts / deities, or movement created by your own unconscious mind?

What is most important is that... Pendulum Dowsing Method plus praying to Kumantong or Taoist Wealth Talisman, can help You achieve at least 90% accuracy of Lottery Prediction, which means either You miss by 1 number in 4D in TOP 3 Prize, or You strike a TOP 3 Prize. This is enough.

If You are a person who think Ghosts / Deities have guided You to strike Lottery (4D / Toto) while praying to a god / ghost with the support of pendulum dowsing, then be it.

If You are a person who think no divine entities / beings have guided You to strike the Lottery (4D / Toto) but You strike Lottery due to Your own ability to connect with Your intuitive unconscious mind by using the Pendulum Dowsing Method alone, then be it.

You can pray to Ghosts and Gods, and then use any other dowsing methods You like, be it Spirit of Pen / Pencil (笔仙 Bi-Xian), Spirit Of Tray (碟仙), Ouija Board etc, as long as You can strike the Lottery, all kinds of scientific reasoning don't matter.

Pick-3 / Pick-4 / 4D Prediction with the help of  Kumantong

Supreme I-Ching & The DNA

The I Ching represents all manners in which life or consciousness expresses itself. There are 64 hexagrams (kua) in the I Ching.

The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded within genetic material (DNA or mRNA sequences) is translated into proteins by living cells. Translation is accomplished by the ribosome, which links amino acids in an order specified by mRNA, using transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules to carry amino acids and to read the mRNA three nucleotides at a time. The genetic code is highly similar among all organisms and can be expressed in a simple table with 64 entries.

There are three base pairs of a DNA codon makes 64 possible combinations, which is the same number of I Ching.

The way the amino acids are formed and combined to create the helix spiral of DNA also parallels the mathematical combinations required to create a six lined hexagram of the I Ching.

Each of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching can be assigned to each of the 64 DNA codons of the genetic code.

From Ba-Gua To I-Ching To Super Computers

Most people in the West, and probably even in the Far East, assume that everything about the modern world was the exclusive achievement of Western Europe during and after the Industrial Revolution, and that Far Eastern cultures, especially China, contributed little if anything to the creation of our modern, technological world. This gross misconception is the predictable result of a widespread and deep-rooted historical amnesia. Intellectual giants such as Leibniz, Voltaire, and Carl Jung knew otherwise. They appreciated the enormous intellectual debt the West owed to China and Far Eastern civilization.

The average Chinese person today has little if any understanding about how a whole range of key Chinese inventions enabled Europe and America to progress scientifically and technologically to where they are today.

Fu Xi (伏羲)

Fu Xi (伏羲) discovered the HeTu (河图) - "Yellow River Chart" on the back of a mythical dragon-horse that emerged from the Luo River (洛河). The HeTu(河图) that Fu-Xi discovered inspired him to create the Ba-Gua, known as Primordial Bagua (先天八卦 - Xian Tian Ba Gua). which form the basis for the philosophy in the Book of Changes - I Ching (易经).

As the creator of Eight Trigrams (八卦), which form the basis for the philosophy in the Book of Changes (I Ching), Fuxi (伏羲) has been revered by Chinese scholars as the originator of the I Ching (易经), an ancient divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics.

 I-Ching (易经)

King Wen of Zhou (周文王 1152 – 1056 BC) improved the 8 trigrams in their various permutations to create the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.

I-Ching is based on the taoist duality of yin and yang, eight trigrams (Bagua) and a set of 64 hexagrams ("sixty-four" gua), analogous to the three-bit and six-bit binary numerals. I-Ching were in use at least as early as the Zhou Dynasty of ancient China.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1 July 1646 – November 14, 1716), a German philosopher and mathematician, was researching for the binary system when he received a copy of I-Ching (Yi Jing) sent to him by a Jesuit priest - Joachim Bouvet. He immediately recognized that the I-Ching symbols of solid and broken bars are isomorphic to the 1 and 0 digits of binary system, and greatly surprised that a binary system was already used by Fu Xi thousands of years before him.

A diagram of I Ching hexagrams sent to 
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz from Joachim Bouvet

Joachim Bouvet (Chinese: 白晋 or 白進, courtesy name: 明远) (b. Le Mans, July 18, 1656 – June 28, 1730, Peking) was a French Jesuit who worked in China, and the leading member of the Figurist movement.

Leibniz is usually credited with the early development of the binary number system (base 2 counting, using only the digits 0 and 1), although he himself was aware of similar ideas dating back to the I Ching of Ancient China.

Leibniz was so amazed with the I-Ching that he went on to write an article titled : “Explanation of the binary arithmetic, which uses only the characters 1 and 0, with some remarks on its usefulness, and on the light it throws on the ancient Chinese figures of Fu Xi”. This code is the basis for all current modern computers.

Because of the ability of binary to be represented by the two phases "on" and "off", it would later become the foundation of all modern computer systems, and Leibniz's documentation was essential in the development process.

Leibniz wrote:"...What is amazing in this reckoning is that this arithmetic by 0 and 1 is found to contain the mystery of the lines of an ancient King and philosopher named Fuxi, who is believed to have lived more than 4000 years ago, and whom the Chinese regard as the founder of their empire and their sciences. There are several linear figures attributed to him, all of which come back to this arithmetic, but it is sufficient to give here the Figure of the Eight Cova, as it is called, which is said to be fundamental, and to join to them the explanation which is obvious, provided that one notices, firstly, that a whole line — means unity, or 1, and secondly, that a broken line -- means zero, or 0.

The Chinese lost the meaning of the Cova or Lineations of Fuxi, perhaps more than a thousand years ago, and they have written commentaries on the subject in which they have sought I know not what far out meanings, so that their true explanation now has to come from Europeans. Here is how: It was scarcely more than two years ago that I sent to Reverend Father Bouvet, the celebrated French Jesuit who lives in Peking, my method of counting by 0 and 1, and nothing more was required to make him recognize that this was the key to the figures of Fuxi. Writing to me on 14 November 1701, he sent me this philosophical prince's grand figure, which goes up to 64, and leaves no further room to doubt the truth of our interpretation, such that it can be said that this Father has deciphered the enigma of Fuxi, with the help of what I had communicated to him. And as these figures are perhaps the most ancient monument of science which exists in the world, this restitution of their meaning, after such a great interval of time, will seem all the more curious.

The agreement between the figures of Fuxi and my Table of Numbers is more obvious when the initial zeros are provided in the Table; they seem superfluous, but they are useful to better show the cycles of the column, just as I have provided them in effect with little rings, to distinguish them from the necessary zeros. And this agreement leaves me with a high opinion of the depth of Fuxi's meditations, since what seems easy to us now was not so at all in those far-off times. The binary or dyadic arithmetic is, in effect, very easy today, with little thought required, since it is greatly assisted by our way of counting, from which, it seems, only the excess is removed. But this ordinary arithmetic by tens does not seem very old, and at least the Greeks and the Romans were ignorant of it, and were deprived of its advantages. It seems that Europe owes its introduction to Gerbert, who became Pope under the name of Sylvester II, who got it from the Moors of Spain.

Now, as it is believed in China that Fuxi is even the author of Chinese characters, although they were greatly altered in subsequent times, his essay on arithmetic leads us to conclude that something considerable might even be found in these characters with regard to numbers and ideas, if one could discover the foundation of Chinese writing, all the more since it is believed in China that he had consideration for numbers when establishing them. Reverend Father Bouvet is strongly inclined to push this point, and very capable of succeeding in it in various ways. However, I do not know if there was ever an advantage in this Chinese writing similar to the one that there necessarily has to be in the Characteristic I project, which is that every reasoning derivable from notions could be derived from these notions' characters by a way of reckoning, which would be one of the more important means of assisting the human mind."

Why computers use binary number system?

The circuits in a computer's processor are made up of billions of transistors. A transistor is a tiny switch that is activated by the electronic signals it receives. The digits 1 and 0 used in binary reflect the on and off states of a transistor.

Computers use binary - the digits 0 and 1 - to store data. A binary digit, or bit, is the smallest unit of data in computing. It is represented by a 0 or a 1. Binary numbers are made up of binary digits (bits), eg the binary number 1001.

Computer programs are sets of instructions. Each instruction is translated into machine code - simple binary codes that activate the CPU. Programmers write computer code and this is converted by a translator into binary instructions that the processor can execute.
All software, music, documents, and any other information that is processed by a computer, is also stored using binary.

Everything on a computer is represented as streams of binary numbers. Audio, images and characters all look like binary numbers in machine code. These numbers are encoded in different data formats to give them meaning, eg the 8-bit pattern 01000001 could be the number 65, the character 'A', or a colour in an image.

The more bits used in a pattern, the more combinations of values become available. This larger number of combinations can be used to represent many more things, eg a greater number of different symbols, or more colours in a picture.


It is mind-blowing for You to realise that the very foundation of every computing device now in use has its root in the ancient divination text of the I-Ching.

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Super Natural Power Of Taoism - Fake & Real Shen Gong (神功)

Egg Balancing (Standing) Is Just A Game

Origin of Tai-Sui (太岁) & How To Pray

The Origin, Legends & Power Of Tua Pek Kong (大伯公) - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) - Chinese Earth Deity

Talisman To Stop The Spirit Of Aborted Child From Causing Troubles & Sending Off For Rebirth

Taoist Finger Gestures - 道法指印

Taoist Big Dipper (7 Stars) Talisman - 太上玄靈北斗七星符

Bu Gang Ta Dou (步罡踏斗) - Pacing The Big Dipper

Nine Emperor Gods Festival (九皇爷诞)

Dou Mu (斗姆) , Nine God Emperors (九皇大帝) & The Big Dipper

"Owe Money Pay Money" (O$P$) Talismans and Ritual of Yin Shan Sect

Qixi Festival (七夕节) - The Chinese Valentine's Day


BEWARE: GONG TAU (降头) Is Real & Deadly

Duanwu Festival (端午节) - Best Day Of The Year To Create Super Powerful Taoist Talismans

Chinese Feng Shui Compass - The Luo Pan (罗盘)

The Origin, History & Different Schools Of Feng Shui (风水)

Supreme Oneness Divination - Tai Yi Shen Shu (太乙神数)

Six Yang Waters Technique - Da Liu Ren (大六壬)

Mysterious Gates Escaping Technique - Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲) - QMDJ

Origin Of Chinese Tomb Sweeping Day - Qingming Festival (清明节)

Taoist Tour To Hell To Visit The Dead - Guan Luo Yin (观落阴)

Playing The Chinese Ouija Board - Die-Xian (碟仙)

Chinese Planchette / Spirit Writing - Fu-Ji (扶乩)

Learn How To Hit The Villain (打小人)

Chinese 10 Halls Of Hell (十殿地狱)

36 Heavens Of Taoism

How Taoist Master / Sorcerer Creates Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talismans

The God / Founder Of Bagua (八卦祖师)

The Taoist Symbol - The Power Of Bagua (八卦)

5 Arts of Chinese Metaphysics (中华玄学) - Wu Shu (五 术)

Mao-Shan Straw & Paper Effigies In Taoist Sorcery (茅山 草人/ 纸人术)

3 Hun and 7 Po (三魂七魄) In Taoist Sorcery

Five Camps Celestial Soldiers (五营兵将)

闾山派 (Lǘ Shān Sect)

Ancient Chinese Shamanism To Modern Folk Taoism

Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?

Praying To Moon Goddess - 拜月娘

Celebrating Mid-Authumn Festival

The Jade Rabbit - Chang-Er's Pet

The Legend of Moon Goddess - Chang-Er (婵娥)

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival - Origin & History

"Maintain Harmony Between Husband and Wife" Talismans

"Break Up Husband and Wife" Talisman

"Break Up Couple / Friendship" Talisman

"Maintain Love Relationship" Talismans

"Convey Love Feeling" Talisman

"Marriage Success" Talisman and Ritual

Peach Blossom Talisman (桃花符) - Taoist Talisman for Finding and Attract Love Immediately

Taoist Talismans / Rituals From Finding Love to After Getting Married

Ultimate Salesman Talisman

Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival - 2 Proper Praying Methods and 1 Lay Method

Hungry Ghost Month and Festival - Warning and Taboos

Secret To Strike 4D Lottery During Hungry Ghost Festival

Chinese Hungry Ghost Festival - 2 Origins

10 Power Incantations of Taoism(道教十大神咒)

How To Pray to Taoist Deities

Activate Your Taoist Altar with "36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman

Consecration Of Taoist Deity Statues

Setting Up A Taoist Altar

The Power of Taoist Black Command Flag

Onmyodo - Taoist Sorcery In Ancient Japan

Hindu Procession In Taoist Temple