"Convey Feeling" Talisman is a talisman which help You to let the person You love the feeling You have for him or her.
Western folks may not understand why is there a need to convey feeling when You can simply just speak out directly how You feel to a person.
Many Asian Folks are shy. No matter how Westernized they will act but deep down inside they are still very ASIAN in mindset and culture.
The worst thing is You love someone and that person doesn't know about it. You are thinking that if You tell him /her how You feel directly, what if he/she doesn't have any feeling for You and You will lose face. This is a very typical fear when Asians falling in love.
Name and Address of Your Love one will be written behind the "Convey Love Feeling" Talisman. The talisman can then be placed inside the pillow. Every night when You are thinking of this particular person You love , he or she magically will receive Your thoughts and start to think about You as well and fall in love with You unknowingly.
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