In one of the Folk Taoism Version of Ne Zha (哪吒) , he is known as Lian Hua San Tai Zi (莲花三太子) - Lotus 3rd Prince.
In Folk Taoism, there is Spiritual Trance of Lian Hua San Tai Zi (莲花三太子) by Taoist Spirit Mediums.
The Celebration Day of Lian Hua San Tai Zi (莲花三太子) is on 8th Day of 4th Month in Chinese Lunar Calender.
Spiritual Trance Incantation (Singapore Version) Of Lian Hua San Tai Zi (莲花三太子):
(Used by Chinese Folk Religion during Spirit Mediums Procession)
敬请莲花 三太子 太子七岁展威灵
头梳双髻红腰带 绣球双带 百万兵
莲花令 统天兵 金抢抛起 绣球行
打开球内百万兵 莲花太子展神通
步步行占北斗 踏七星风火轮 使金枪
步步行 投诉苦渡众生 步头行步诸猛将
为吾今日到坛前 弟子一心专拜请
诸位猛将 速降临
to be continued.. not yet complete.