Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅) - "Marshal of the Central Altar", is one of the avatar / manifestation of the Chinese Child Deity - Ne Zha (哪吒).
In Religious Taoism, Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅) is the chief commander and guardian god who is the head of the " Five Camp Gods " (五营神将).
The records of Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅) come from several Taoist Classics, such as "Bao Gao Da Quan" (宝诰大全) and "Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai Zhen Jing" (中坛元帅真经).
In The Investiture of the Gods (封神演义), Nezha participated in Jiang Ziya's conquest of King Zhou, and made many military achievements with magic weapons such as the Fire Spear and the Universe Circle, and finally "became a saint in the flesh".
Conferred by the Jade Emperor : Due to his outstanding military achievements, he was named Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅) - "Marshal of the Central Altar" by the Jade Emperor, commanding five camps of divine soldiers (the Nine Barbarians Army in the East Camp, the Eight Barbarians Army in the South Camp, the Six Rong Army in the West Camp, the Five Di Army in the North Camp, and the Three Qin Army in the Center Camp), guarding the heaven and the temples on earth
The Imperial Edict of the Marshal of the Central Altar (中坛元帅宝诰):
(Recite by Taoist Priests in Religious Taoist Temples)
The Celebration Day of Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅) is on 9th Day of 9th Month in Chinese Lunar Calender. This day is also the same day of another Chinese Festival, known as Chong Yang Jie (重阳节) - Double Ninth Festival.
Spiritual Trance Incantation Of Zhong Tan Yuan Shuai (中坛元帅), also known as 三十三天都元帅咒 - Incantation of 'Marshal of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Capital' :
(Used by Chinese Folk Religion during Spirit Mediums Procession)
拜请三十三天都元帅 统领天兵下瑶台
金枪一转天门开 绣球献出五湖海
头戴日月耀乾坤 脚踏七星毫光大
扶助三坛真自在 主掌法界高英才
龙王殿前威显现 飞沙走石洞门开
海上收斩蛟龙将 治病救苦速消灾
三岁郎君照北斗 百万天兵四边排
弟子一心专拜请 中坛元帅降临来
神 兵 火 急 如 律 令
Take note: 三十三天都元帅 (San Shi San Tian Du Yuan Shuai) - 'Marshal of the Thirty-three Heavenly Capital' is the Highest Honorific Title given to Ne Zha (哪吒) .
to be continued.. not yet complete.