This topic is about Ne-Zha (哪吒) , pertaining to Religious Taoism Version and Folk Taoism Version.
Normally, I won't be writing and sharing on this Deity Character because the Western Folks have never heard of, never thought of , have no idea and have no interest to know about this Child Deity, whereas, the Chinese Folks , who can read and understand Chinese Language, can find the information about Ne Zha online by themselves.
Recently & Lately, due to having watched the Ne Zha 1 & 2 Movies, some Western Folks are interested to find out more about the Real Religious side of "Ne Zha" and maybe, wanting to start praying to him but not much of the information is writtened about this Child Deity in English. Therefore, it is my duty to share as much information and knowledge about Ne Zha (based on the Real Religious & Folk Taoism), written in English.
Most Adults and Children who have watched the Ne Zha Movies will only threat it as a Cartoon Movie and leave it as it is, therefore they won't end up here reading this write-up and the following articles. If You end up here, You are one of the very rare special folks, who wish to know the Real Religious Taoist Version Of Ne Zha.
Many Topics of Ne Zha will be covered as deep as possible. Stay Tuned.
There are several avatars / manifestation of Ne Zha (哪吒) in Religious Taoism and Folk Taoism, such as: